首页> 外文期刊>Journal of mathematical sciences >On Embedding of the Morse–Smale Diffeomorphisms in a Topological Flow

On Embedding of the Morse–Smale Diffeomorphisms in a Topological Flow


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Abstract This review presents the results of recent years on solving of the Palis problem on finding necessary and sufficient conditions for the embedding of Morse–Smale cascades in topological flows. To date, the problem has been solved by Palis for Morse–Smale diffeomorphisms given on manifolds of dimension two. The result for the circle is a trivial exercise. In dimensions three and higher new effects arise related to the possibility of wild embeddings of closures of invariant manifolds of saddle periodic points that leads to additional obstacles for Morse–Smale diffeomorphisms to be embedded in topological flows. The progress achieved in solving of Palis’s problem in dimension three is associated with the recently obtained complete topological classification of Morse–Smale diffeomorphisms on threedimensional manifolds and the introduction of new invariants describing the embedding of separatrices of saddle periodic points in a supporting manifold. The transition to a higher dimension requires the latest results from the topology of manifolds. The necessary topological information, which plays key roles in the proofs, is also presented in the survey.
机译:摘要 综述了近年来在解决Palis问题方面取得的成果,即寻找Morse-Smale级联嵌入拓扑流的必要条件和充分条件。迄今为止,Palis 已经解决了在二维流形上给出的 Morse-Smale 微分同构的问题。圆圈的结果是一个微不足道的练习。在三维和更高维度中,出现了与鞍形周期点不变流形闭合的狂野嵌入可能性相关的新效应,这导致了将莫尔斯-斯梅尔微分同构嵌入拓扑流的额外障碍。在解决三维Palis问题方面取得的进展与最近在三维流形上获得的Morse-Smale微分同构的完整拓扑分类以及描述鞍形周期点分离嵌入的新不变量有关。向更高维度的过渡需要流形拓扑的最新结果。调查中还介绍了在证明中起关键作用的必要拓扑信息。




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