首页> 外文期刊>european journal of immunology >Prevention of immunoglobulin production by allotypedependent T cells

Prevention of immunoglobulin production by allotypedependent T cells

机译:Prevention of immunoglobulin production by allotypedependent T cells



AbstractAdoptive lymphocyte transfers between Iga, Igband Igdallotype‐congenic mouse strains revealed host barriers against the production of certain donor allotypes. First, as recipients of Igbcells, Igaand Igdmice permitted the production of donor Ig‐4b but not that of Ig‐lb. The apparent mediators of this Ig‐lb barrier were T cells specific for Ig‐lb determinants on B cells. Additional cell transfers showed Igamice to have a second barrier against allotype production by Igddonor cells. Reciprocal cell transfers showed Igband Igdmice to have comparatively weak barriers against Iga‐producing cells.As host barriers were absent in mice deficient for T cells (athymic nude mice), it appears that they are T cell‐mediated. Further, the allotype‐dependence of such barriers means that the antigens responsible must be under the control of allotype‐linked genes. The regulatory implications of this for the immune sys




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