
Exhibition Reviews


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Sheila Hicks is an American-born artist who for more than 50 years has used weaving as the basis of her work. The Hepworth Wakefield hosted the first UK retrospective of her work, and the gallery spaces were fantastic for displaying works with plenty of space to sit and look. Sheila Hicks: Off Grid featured over 70 pieces of work from public and private collections that span the earliest days of her career to the wonderful new commissions specifically for the exhibition at the Hepworth, including a piece for the garden. Walking to the bottom of the stairs, the first glimpse of Sheila Hicks' work greeted you: VARMAYANA (The Place of Shining Light), 2018 - the scale and size of which, along with the mesmerising colours, made you linger on the stairs, hoping no one behind bumped into you. The exhibition spanned four rooms of the gallery, showcasing the artist's work over the last 50 years, beginning with her training as a painter at Yale, her travels across southern America, her large scale commissions in the 1960s and 1970s, right through to new works for this retrospective.
机译:希拉·希克斯 (Sheila Hicks) 是一位出生于美国的艺术家,50 多年来一直以编织作为她工作的基础。赫普沃斯·韦克菲尔德(Hepworth Wakefield)举办了她作品的首次英国回顾展,画廊空间非常适合展示作品,有足够的空间坐下来观看。Sheila Hicks: Off Grid 展出了 70 多件作品,从她职业生涯早期的公共和私人收藏到专门为赫普沃斯展览创作的精彩新委托作品,包括一件花园作品。走到楼梯底部,第一眼看到希拉·希克斯(Sheila Hicks)的作品:2018年的《VARMAYANA》(《闪耀之地》)——它的规模和大小,以及迷人的色彩,让你在楼梯上徘徊,希望后面没有人撞到你。展览横跨画廊的四个房间,展示了艺术家过去 50 年的作品,从她在耶鲁大学接受画家培训开始,她在南美洲的旅行,她在 1960 年代和 1970 年代的大型委托,一直到这次回顾展的新作品。




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