首页> 外文期刊>The International journal of pharmacy practice >Hospital pharmacy outpatient medication dispensing and counselling practices in North-Western Nigeria: an observational study

Hospital pharmacy outpatient medication dispensing and counselling practices in North-Western Nigeria: an observational study


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Objective To describe outpatient medication dispensing and counselling processes in pharmacies located in eight hospitals in North-Western Nigeria. Methods An observational study was conducted from January to March 2020 in 19 hospital pharmacies located in the eight hospitals. Two types of observations were carried out, structured observations to describe the content of patient medication counselling encounters and general observations of other activities. Quantitative data were generated from the structured observations, whereas qualitative data were collected from field notes and informal discussions with dispensers. Data collected during the structured observations were descriptively analysed, whereas other data collected during the general observation periods were grouped and organized into categories. Key findings A total of 782 patient counselling encounters were observed during the structured observations. The most frequent types of information provided by the dispensers during these encounters included dose (98) and route of administration (85). Information about the name(s), indication(s), side effect(s) of medication as well as the importance of adherence were provided in less than 5 of these cases. Dispensers also made attempts to verify ownership of prescriptions to be dispensed in only 35 of these cases. Other issues observed included lack of interventions by dispensing staff during these processes. A total of 100 dispensing errors were observed, and provision of incomplete information (usually about duration of medicines use) was the most common type of dispensing error seen. Conclusions Several problems were observed with the medication dispensing and counselling processes for outpatients in the hospital pharmacies observed. Interventions aimed at improving these processes are required if patients are to use their medicines correctly and safely.
机译:目的 介绍尼日利亚西北部8家医院药房的门诊配药和咨询流程。方法 于2020年1月至3月在8家医院的19家医院药房进行观察性研究。进行了两种类型的观察,一种是描述患者用药咨询内容的结构化观察,另一种是其他活动的一般观察。定量数据来自结构化观察,而定性数据来自现场笔记和与配药员的非正式讨论。对结构化观察期间收集的数据进行描述性分析,而一般观察期间收集的其他数据则进行分组和分类。主要发现 在结构化观察期间,共观察到 782 例患者咨询遭遇。在这些遭遇中,配药者提供的最常见的信息类型包括剂量(98%)和给药途径(85%)。在这些病例中,只有不到 5% 提供了有关药物名称、适应症、副作用以及依从性重要性的信息。配药者还试图核实在这些病例中只有35%的处方的所有权。观察到的其他问题包括配药人员在这些过程中缺乏干预。总共观察到 100 个配药错误,提供不完整的信息(通常是关于药物使用持续时间)是最常见的配药错误类型。结论 观察到医院药房门诊患者的配药和咨询过程存在一些问题。如果患者要正确、安全地使用药物,就需要采取旨在改善这些过程的干预措施。




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