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Experiences of social interaction in young women with Turner syndrome: A qualitative study


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Background Turner Syndrome (TS; 45,X) is a sex chromosome aneuploidy associated with deficits in social interaction, for which clinical care guidelines have recently recommended trialling a social skills training intervention. The present study aimed to gather preliminary evidence to support a training programme for young women. Methods Semi-structured interviews and psychometric questionnaires about social ability were administered to young women with TS aged 16 to 25 years old (n=17) and their parents (n=20). Interview transcripts were analysed using thematic analysis. Results Although young women with TS experienced a "wide range of social competencies," they attributed social challenges to "personal and contextual factors." The magnitude of these challenges to social integration intensified during adolescence. They felt increasingly "out of sync" with their peers. They also considered their social abilities to be better than their parents did; on a scale of autistic traits (rated by parents), half had mild to severe autistic traits. Most expressed interest in taking part in a social skills programme. Conclusion Young women with TS are aware they experience difficulties in social communication, and they express interest in improving their social skills. Accordingly, social skills training during adolescence would be welcomed by them and their families. Any intervention should take account of their feelings of social dislocation arising from hearing difficulties together with limited recognition, and slow processing, of social cues.
机译:背景特纳综合征 (TS; 45,X) 是一种与社交互动缺陷相关的性染色体非整倍体,临床护理指南最近建议尝试社交技能训练干预。本研究旨在收集初步证据,以支持年轻妇女的培训方案。方法 对16-25岁TS年轻女性(n=17)及其父母(n=20)进行半结构化访谈和社交能力心理测量问卷调查。使用主题分析对访谈记录进行分析。结果 尽管患有TS的年轻女性经历了“广泛的社会能力”,但她们将社会挑战归因于“个人和环境因素”。在青春期,这些对社会融合的挑战的严重性加剧了。他们感到与同龄人越来越“不同步”。他们还认为自己的社交能力比父母更好;在自闭症特征量表(由父母评分)中,一半具有轻度至重度自闭症特征。大多数人表示有兴趣参加社交技能课程。结论 患有TS的年轻女性意识到她们在社交沟通方面遇到困难,并表示有兴趣提高自己的社交技能。因此,青春期的社交技能培训将受到他们及其家人的欢迎。任何干预都应考虑到他们因听力困难而产生的社会错位感,以及对社会线索的识别有限和处理缓慢。




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