首页> 外文期刊>Brain: A journal of neurology >Abnormal pain processing in chronic tension-type headache: a high-density EEG brain mapping study.

Abnormal pain processing in chronic tension-type headache: a high-density EEG brain mapping study.


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Central sensitization caused by prolonged nociceptive input from muscles is considered to play an important role for chronification of tension-type headache. In the present study we used a new high-density EEG brain mapping technique to investigate spatiotemporal aspects of brain activity in response to muscle pain in 19 patients with chronic tension-type headache (CTTH) and 19 healthy, age- and sex-matched controls. Intramuscular electrical stimuli (single and train of five pulses delivered at 2 Hz) were applied to the trapezius muscle and somatosensory evoked potentials were recorded with 128-channel EEG both in- and outside a condition with induced tonic neck/shoulder muscle pain (glutamate injection into the trapezius muscle). Significant reduction in magnitude during and after induced tonic muscle pain was found in controls at the P200 dipole in response to both the first (baseline versus tonic muscle pain: P = 0.001; baseline versus post-tonic muscle pain: P = 0.002) and fifth (baseline versus tonic muscle pain: P = 0.04; baseline versus post-tonic muscle pain: P = 0.04) stimulus in the train. In contrast, there were no differences between the conditions in patients. No consistent difference was found in localization or peak latency of the dipoles. The reduction in magnitude during and after induced tonic muscle pain in controls but not in patients with CTTH may be explained by impaired inhibition of the nociceptive input in these patients. This may be the first evidence that the supraspinal response to muscle pain is abnormal in patients with CTTH.
机译:长时间的肌肉伤害性输入引起的中枢敏化被认为在紧张型头痛的定时化中起重要作用。在本研究中,我们使用了一种新的高密度脑电图脑电图技术,研究了19名慢性紧张型头痛(CTTH)患者和19名健康,年龄和性别匹配的对照中,大脑活动对肌肉疼痛做出反应的时空方面。在斜方肌上施加肌内电刺激(以2 Hz的频率传递单脉冲和5个脉冲串),并在诱发紧张性颈部/肩膀肌肉疼痛(谷氨酸注射)的情况下,通过128通道EEG记录体感诱发电位进入斜方肌)。在P200偶极子的对照组中,对第一个(基线与强直性肌肉疼痛:P = 0.001;基线与后强直性肌肉疼痛:P = 0.002)和第五个响应,在诱发P200偶极子的对照组中发现了在诱发强直性肌肉疼痛期间和之后幅度的显着降低。 (在基线时对强直性肌肉疼痛:P = 0.04;在基线时对强直性肌肉疼痛:P = 0.04)刺激。相反,患者的病情没有差异。在偶极子的定位或峰值潜伏期中未发现一致的差异。在对照组中,但在CTTH患者中,在诱导性强直性肌肉疼痛期间和之后幅度的降低可能是由于这些患者对伤害性输入的抑制作用减弱所致。这可能是CTTH患者脊柱上肌对肌肉疼痛反应异常的第一个证据。



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