首页> 外文期刊>Journal of applied microbiology >Using γ‐ray irradiation and epiphytic microbiota inoculation to separate the effects of chemical and microbial factors on fermentation quality and bacterial community of ensiled Pennisetum giganteum

Using γ‐ray irradiation and epiphytic microbiota inoculation to separate the effects of chemical and microbial factors on fermentation quality and bacterial community of ensiled Pennisetum giganteum


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Abstract Aims This study aimed to separate the effects of chemical and microbial factors on the fermentation quality and bacterial community of ensiled Pennisetum giganteum. Methods and Results Fresh P. giganteum of two vegetative stages (stage I, GI; stage II, GII) was treated as follows: GI epiphytic microbiota + γ‐ray presterilized GI (MICI), GII epiphytic microbiota + γ‐ray presterilized GI (MIICI), GI epiphytic microbiota + γ‐ray presterilized GII (MICII), and GII epiphytic microbiota + γ‐ray presterilized GII (MIICII). Triplicates per treatment were sampled after 30 days of ensiling for chemical and microbial analyses and high‐throughput sequencing. Silages made from CII (MICII and MIICII) had higher lactic acid concentration and the ratio of lactic to acetic acid, and lower pH and ammonia nitrogen concentration than silages produced by CI (MICI and MIICI). Species differential analyses showed that the changes of chemical composition rather than epiphytic microbiota significantly affected the relative abundance of Lactobacillus, Pediococcus and Pantoea in P. giganteum silages. Conclusion These above results manifested that chemical composition was the main factor influencing the fermentation quality and bacterial community of P. giganteum silage in this study. Significance and Impact of the Study The obtained results may, therefore, be the first record to provide an in‐depth understanding of the relative contributions of chemical and microbial parameters on fermentation quality and bacterial community, which is of great importance for modulating silage fermentation and improving silage quality.
机译:摘要 目的 探讨化学和微生物因素对青贮桐发酵品质及细菌群落的影响。方法和结果 对GI期(I期,GI期;II期GII)的新鲜巨松进行如下处理:GI附生菌群+γ射线预灭菌GI(MICI)、GII附生菌群+γ射线预灭菌GI(MIICI)、GII附生菌群+γ射线预灭菌GII(MICII)和GII附生菌群+γ射线预灭菌GII(MIICII)。青贮 30 天后,每次处理取样 3 份,用于化学和微生物分析以及高通量测序。与CI生产的青贮饲料(MICII和MIICII)相比,CII生产的青贮饲料具有更高的乳酸浓度和乳酸与乙酸的比例,以及更低的pH值和氨氮浓度。物种差异分析表明,化学组成而非附生菌群的变化显著影响了青贮疟原虫乳酸菌属、片球菌属和泛菌属的相对丰度。结论 上述结果表明,化学成分是影响青贮青贮发酵品质和细菌群落的主要因素。研究的意义和影响 因此,所获得的结果可能是首次深入了解化学和微生物参数对发酵质量和细菌群落的相对贡献的记录,这对调节青贮发酵和提高青贮品质具有重要意义。




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