首页> 外文期刊>Progress in Physical Geography >A modern perspective on Meinecke's 1929 assessment of tourist impacts on redwoods

A modern perspective on Meinecke's 1929 assessment of tourist impacts on redwoods

机译:Meinecke 1929 年对旅游对红杉影响的评估的现代视角

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E.P. Meinecke, a noted plant pathologist and staunch supporter of conservation, authored an influential article about the impacts of tourism on redwood trees. In the Effect of Excessive Tourist Travel on the California Redwood Parks, published in 1929, Meinecke found that soil compaction by tourists had a negative impact on tree roots and his recommendations for amelioration were both logical and laced with philosophical ideals. We revisit that report with a modern perspective by reviewing his findings and suggestions, and by comparing his ideas with modern research and tourism management practices. One of Meinecke's greatest concerns was the advent of the automobile and its ability to bring more people to redwood groves. We take that concern to the next logical step and discuss potential impacts of climate change on redwood trees.
机译:E.P. Meinecke是一位著名的植物病理学家,也是保护的坚定支持者,他撰写了一篇关于旅游业对红杉树影响的有影响力的文章。在 1929 年出版的《过度旅游旅行对加州红杉公园的影响》中,迈内克发现游客的土壤压实对树根有负面影响,他的改善建议既合乎逻辑又带有哲学理想。我们通过回顾他的发现和建议,并将他的想法与现代研究和旅游管理实践进行比较,以现代视角重新审视该报告。Meinecke最关心的问题之一是汽车的出现以及它能够将更多人带到红杉树林中的能力。我们将这一担忧带到下一个合乎逻辑的步骤,并讨论气候变化对红杉树的潜在影响。




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