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A cross-sectional study on the mental health of patients with COVID-19 1?year after discharge in Huanggang, China

机译:中国黄冈 COVID-19 患者出院后 1 年心理健康的横断面研究

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Abstract Objective This study is aimed to investigate the mental health status of COVID-19 survivors 1?year after discharge from hospital and reveal the related risk factors.Methods From April 11 to May 11, 2021, 566 COVID-19 survivors in Huanggang city were recruited through their primary doctors. A total of 535 participants (94.5) admitted to participate in the survey and completed the questionnaires. Five scales were applied including 7-Items Generalized Anxiety Disorder Scale, Patient Health Questionnaire-9, Impact of Event Scale-Revised, Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, and Fatigue Scale-14. The chi-square and the Fisher’s exact test were used to evaluate the classification data, multivariate logistic regression was used to explore the related factors of sleep quality, fatigue, anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).Results One year after being discharged, of the 535 COVID-19 survivors, 252 (47.1) had poor sleep quality; 157 (29.3) had the symptoms of fatigue; 84 (15.7),112 (20.9), and 130 (24.3) suffered from symptoms of anxiety, depression, and PTSD, respectively. The logistic regression analysis showed that history of chronic disease was risk factor for poor sleep quality (OR 2.501; 95 CI, 1.618–3.866), fatigue (OR 3.284; 95 CI 2.143–5.033), PTSD (OR 2.323; 95 CI 1.431–3.773) and depression (OR 1.950; 95 CI 1.106–3.436) in COVID-19 survivors. Smoking contributed to the poor sleep quality (OR 2.005; 95 CI 1.044–3.850), anxiety (OR 4.491; 95 CI 2.276–8.861) and depression (OR 5.459; 95 CI 2.651–11.239) in survivors. Drinking influenced fatigue (OR 2.783; 95 CI 1.331–5.819) and PTSD (OR 4.419; 95 CI 1.990–9.814) in survivors. Compared with college-educated survivors, survivors with high school education were at higher risk for poor sleep quality (OR 1.828; 95 CI 1.050–3.181) and PTSD (OR 2.521; 95 CI 1.316–4.830), and survivors with junior high school education were at higher risk for PTSD (OR 2.078; 95 CI 1.039–4.155). Compared with overweight survivors (BMI?≥?23.0), survivors with normal BMI (18.5–22.9) (OR 0.600; 95 CI 0.405–0.889) were at lower risk for fatigue. While being housewife (OR 0.390; 95 CI 0.189–0.803) was protective factor for fatigue and having more family members was protective factor for PTSD (OR 0.404 95 CI 0.250–0.653) in survivors.Conclusions One year after infection, poor sleep quality, fatigue, anxiety, depression, and PTSD, still existed in a relatively high proportion of COVID-19 survivors. Chronic disease history was an independent risk factor for poor sleep quality, fatigue, depression, and PTSD. Participants with low education levels were more likely to have mental problems than the others. We should focus on the long-term psychological impact of COVID-19 on survivors, and the government should apply appropriate mental health services to offer psychiatric support.
机译:摘要 目的 调查COVID-19幸存者出院1年后的心理健康状况,并揭示相关危险因素。方法 2021年4月11日—5月11日,选取黄冈市566例COVID-19幸存者为研究对象,由主治医生担任研究对象。共有535名参与者(94.5%)承认参与调查并完成问卷调查。应用了 5 个量表,包括 7 项广泛性焦虑症量表、患者健康问卷 9、事件影响量表修订版、匹兹堡睡眠质量指数和疲劳量表 14。采用χ2检验和Fisher精确检验对分类资料进行评价,采用多因素logistic回归探讨睡眠质量、疲劳、焦虑、抑郁、创伤后应激障碍(PTSD)等相关因素。结果 出院1年后,535例COVID-19幸存者中,睡眠质量差252例(47.1%);157例(29.3%)有疲劳症状;84例(15.7%)、112例(20.9%)和130例(24.3%)分别患有焦虑、抑郁和创伤后应激障碍症状。Logistic回归分析显示,慢性病史是COVID-19幸存者睡眠质量差(OR 2.501;95% CI,1.618-3.866)、疲劳(OR 3.284;95% CI 2.143-5.033)、PTSD(OR 2.323;95% CI 1.431-3.773)和抑郁(OR 1.950;95% CI 1.106-3.436)的危险因素。吸烟导致睡眠质量差(OR 2.005;95% CI 1.044–3.850)、焦虑(OR 4.491;幸存者的95%CI 2.276-8.861)和抑郁(OR 5.459;95% CI 2.651-11.239)。饮酒影响了幸存者的疲劳(OR 2.783;95% CI 1.331-5.819)和创伤后应激障碍(OR 4.419;95% CI 1.990-9.814)。与受过大学教育的幸存者相比,受过高中教育的幸存者发生睡眠质量差(OR 1.828;95% CI 1.050-3.181)和创伤后应激障碍(OR 2.521;95% CI 1.316-4.830)的风险更高,受过初中教育的幸存者发生创伤后应激障碍的风险更高(OR 2.078;95% CI 1.039-4.155)。与超重幸存者(BMI?≥?23.0)相比,BMI(18.5-22.9)正常(OR 0.600;95%CI 0.405-0.889)的幸存者疲劳风险较低。在幸存者中,家庭主妇(OR 0.390;95% CI 0.189-0.803)是疲劳的保护因素,而拥有更多家庭成员是创伤后应激障碍的保护因素(OR 0.404;95% CI 0.250-0.653)。结论 感染一年后,COVID-19幸存者中仍存在较高比例的睡眠质量差、疲劳、焦虑、抑郁和创伤后应激障碍。慢性病史是睡眠质量差、疲劳、抑郁和创伤后应激障碍的独立危险因素。受教育程度低的参与者比其他人更容易出现精神问题。我们应该关注COVID-19对幸存者的长期心理影响,政府应该应用适当的心理健康服务来提供精神科支持。




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