首页> 外文期刊>Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences >China's Experience and Prospects for Sustainable Development

China's Experience and Prospects for Sustainable Development


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By the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries, the main obstacle to China's economic growth was the large-scale destruction of natural complexes and the inefficient use of resources. China was among the first countries that expressed willingness to follow the UN strategy proclaimed at the Conference in Rio de Janeiro (1992) and adopted the concept of sustainable development. The main distinguishing feature of the national concept of sustainable development is the rejection of the idea of limiting economic growth. Thirty years later, we can see not just success but also changing models of economic development, their focus on resource conservation, and accounting for the environmental component. China's experience in practice proves that rapid industrial growth can be accompanied by a balanced development of three areas: the economy, society, and the environment.




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