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The pikas of China: a review of current research priorities and challenges for conservation


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Of the approximately 30 extant species of pika (Ochotona; Ochotonidae; Lagomorpha), at least 23 occur in China. Of these, 8 are endemic, and 3 are classified as Endangered by the IUCN. Research into most Chinese species is scarce, and there is much to learn about basic aspects of their ecology. We reviewed the literature on the 23 Chinese Ochotona species, with the aim of highlighting knowledge gaps and biases in research allocation. Specifically, we identify (1) which pika species receive the most attention from researchers, (2) which topics are the most frequently studied, and (3) how well research satisfies conservation priorities. We covered a total of 879 articles, most of which were written in English or Chinese. Around 75 of all publications focused on the plateau pika Ochotona curzoniae. Seven species were represented by 10 or fewer publications each. Endangered and endemic species were particularly poorly represented. 204 papers treated pikas as a pest, while 13 studied conservation issues. Nine species were considered possible targets for pest control, including some poorly known endemics. We make some recommendations on how research into Chinese Ochotona could be improved, including: (1) recognizing that the current species-level taxonomy may be an ineffective way to prioritize conservation research in Ochotona, (2) directing more research toward threatened and endemic species, subspecies, and populations, (3) researching the ecosystem engineering effects of pikas, (4) collecting basic data on natural history of the many understudied species, and (5) researching threats, including climate change and pest control campaigns.
机译:在现存的大约 30 种鼠兔(Ochotona;鳕科;Lagomorpha),至少有23例发生在中国。其中,8种为地方性,3种被世界自然保护联盟列为濒危物种。对大多数中国物种的研究很少,关于其生态学的基本方面还有很多东西需要了解。我们回顾了关于23个中国Ochotona物种的文献,旨在强调研究分配中的知识差距和偏差。具体来说,我们确定了 (1) 哪些鼠兔物种最受研究人员关注,(2) 哪些主题最常被研究,以及 (3) 研究如何满足保护优先事项。我们总共涵盖了879篇文章,其中大部分是用英文或中文撰写的。大约75%的出版物集中在高原鼠兔Ochotona curzoniae上。7个物种的出版物数量不超过10篇。濒危物种和特有物种的代表性尤其不足。204篇论文将鼠兔视为害虫,而13篇论文研究了保护问题。九个物种被认为是害虫防治的可能目标,包括一些鲜为人知的地方性物种。我们提出了一些关于如何改进中国Ochotona研究的建议,包括:(1)认识到目前的物种水平分类可能是优先考虑Ochotona保护研究的无效方法,(2)将更多的研究引向受威胁和特有物种,亚种和种群,(3)研究鼠兔的生态系统工程效应,(4)收集许多未被充分研究的物种的自然历史的基本数据, (5)研究威胁,包括气候变化和害虫防治运动。




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