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Can the RNA World Still Function without Cytidine?


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Most scenarios for the origin of life assume that RNA played a key role in both catalysis and information storage. The A, U, G, and C nucleobases in modern RNA all participate in secondary structure formation and replication. However, the rapid deamination of C to U and the absence of C in meteorite samples suggest that prebiotic RNA may have been deficient in cytosine. Here, we assess the ability of RNA sequences formed from a three-letter AUG alphabet to perform both structural and genetic roles in comparison to sequences formed from the AUGC alphabet. Despite forming less thermodynamically stable helices, the AUG alphabet can find a broad range of structures and thus appears sufficient for catalysis in the RNA World. However, in the AUG case, longer sequences are required to form structures with an equivalent complexity. Replication in the AUG alphabet requires GU pairing. Sequence fidelity in the AUG alphabet is low whenever G's are present in the sequence. We find that AUG sequences evolve to AU sequences if GU pairing is rare, and to RU sequences if GU pairing is common (R denotes A or G). It is not possible to conserve a G at a specific site in either case. These problems do not rule out the possibility of an RNA World based on AUG, but they show that it wouldbe significantly more difficult than with a four-base alphabet.
机译:大多数关于生命起源的情景都假设RNA在催化和信息存储中都起着关键作用。现代 RNA 中的 A、U、G 和 C 核碱基都参与二级结构的形成和复制。然而,C对U的快速脱氨和陨石样本中C的缺失表明益生元RNA可能缺乏胞嘧啶。在这里,我们评估了与由AUGC字母表形成的序列相比,由三个字母AUG字母表形成的RNA序列执行结构和遗传作用的能力。尽管形成热力学稳定性较差的螺旋,但AUG字母表可以找到广泛的结构,因此似乎足以在RNA世界中进行催化。然而,在AUG的情况下,需要更长的序列来形成具有同等复杂度的结构。AUG 字母表中的复制需要 GU 配对。每当序列中出现 G 时,AUG 字母表中的序列保真度就会降低。我们发现,如果 GU 配对很少见,AUG 序列会演变为 AU 序列,如果 GU 配对很常见,则进化为 RU 序列(R 表示 A 或 G)。无论哪种情况,都不可能在特定位点保存 G。这些问题并不排除基于AUG的RNA世界的可能性,但它们表明,这将比使用四碱基字母表要困难得多。




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