首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Applied Microbiology >Exploring of probiotic potential vaginal lactobacillus isolates from healthy women against Gardnerella vaginalis and Caenorhabditis elegans model testing

Exploring of probiotic potential vaginal lactobacillus isolates from healthy women against Gardnerella vaginalis and Caenorhabditis elegans model testing


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Abstract Aim Lactobacillus species are the dominant microorganisms in the vaginal microbiota of healthy women and play an important role in the defence against pathogens. This study aimed to evaluate probiotic potential of Lactiplantibacillus plantarum strain P1 isolated from healthy woman's vaginal discharge for its further utilization as a promising candidate strain in the treatment of bacterial vaginosis caused by Gardnerella vaginalis. Methods and Results Ten lactobacilli strains from a woman's vaginal discharge were evaluated for their probiotic potential, including growth capacity at different pH levels (pH 3.5–4.5), acid production, hydrogen peroxide production capacity, antibacterial activity and susceptibility to antibiotics. Moreover, in vitro safety assay haemolytic activity and mutagenicity were investigated for safety assessment. In vivo Caenorhabditis elegans infection model was used to investigate the anti‐infection effect of selected isolates. We found that lactobacilli strain P1 showed strong growth ability in low acid environment, produced acid, hydrogen peroxide, had the strongest antibacterial activity against G. vaginalis and was highly susceptible to the tested antibiotics. When assayed for the safety, strain P1 showed no haemolytic activity and had no effect of mutagenicity. Moreover, P1 significantly increased the lifespan of C. elegans against G. vaginalis infection. Combined with the results of 16S rRNA gene sequencing, morphological and physiological characteristic, the strain was identified as Lactiplantibacillus plantarum. Conclusion Lactiplantibacillus plantarum strain P1 proves to be a promising candidate strain in the treatment of bacterial vaginosis caused by G. vaginalis. Significance and Impact of the Study Conventional antibiotic therapy for bacterial vaginosis has led to the accelerated process of bacterial drug resistance. Probiotics are potentially an alternative method for bacterial vaginosis therapy. This finding provides bacterial resources for keeping pathogens away from the vagina. We believe L. plantarum P1 may be used as vaginal probiotics and be useful to prevent or treat bacterial vaginitis.
机译:摘要 乳酸菌属是健康女性阴道菌群中的优势微生物,在防御病原菌方面发挥着重要作用。本研究旨在评估从健康女性阴道分泌物中分离出的植物乳杆菌菌株P1的益生菌潜力,以进一步作为有前途的候选菌株治疗阴道加德纳菌引起的细菌性阴道病。方法和结果 评估了来自女性阴道分泌物的 10 种乳酸杆菌菌株的益生菌潜力,包括不同 pH 值 (pH 3.5–4.5) 下的生长能力、产酸量、过氧化氢产生量、抗菌活性和对抗生素的敏感性。此外,还研究了体外安全性测定溶血活性和致突变性,以进行安全性评估。采用线虫体内感染模型研究所选分离株的抗感染效果。结果表明,乳酸杆菌P1菌株在低酸环境下生长能力强,产酸、过氧化氢,对阴道芽孢杆菌的抑菌活性最强,对所测试的抗生素高度敏感。当安全性测定时,菌株P1没有溶血活性,也没有致突变性。此外,P1显著延长了秀丽隐杆线虫对阴道隐杆线虫感染的寿命。结合16S rRNA基因测序结果、形态学和生理学特征,鉴定该菌株为植物乳杆菌(Lactiplantibacillus plantarum)。结论 植物乳杆菌P1株是治疗阴道芽孢杆菌所致细菌性阴道病的候选菌株。研究的意义和影响 细菌性阴道病的常规抗生素治疗导致细菌耐药性加速。益生菌可能是细菌性阴道病治疗的替代方法。这一发现为使病原体远离阴道提供了细菌资源。我们认为植物乳杆菌 P1 可用作阴道益生菌,可用于预防或治疗细菌性阴道炎。




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