首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Chemical Education >An Exploration-Based Activity to Facilitate Students' Construction of Molecular Symmetry Concepts

An Exploration-Based Activity to Facilitate Students' Construction of Molecular Symmetry Concepts


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Molecular symmetry is a topic that requires mental manipulation of molecules when searching for symmetry elements and their corresponding symmetry operations. Such mental activities are difficult for students in a traditional classroom where only definitions and demonstrations are provided. Therefore, an exploration-based activity was developed to help university chemistry students construct molecular symmetry concepts. Since symmetry is a mathematical concept, Pirie and Kieren's model of growth of mathematical understanding was used as the framework to design the activity. Each task allowed students to self-construct the meaning of symmetry by performing an operation on 2D figures and/or 3D manipulatives. The activity was designed for students without a background in molecular symmetry and conducted at two public universities. In class, the students went through stages of understanding that were consistent with those in the model. The results from the conceptual test confirmed that they were able to apply the learned concepts to identify the symmetry elements and symmetry operations of the given molecules.
机译:分子对称性是一个在寻找对称元素及其相应的对称操作时需要对分子进行心理操纵的话题。对于传统课堂上的学生来说,这种心理活动是困难的,因为传统课堂只提供定义和演示。因此,开展了一项基于探索的活动,以帮助大学化学专业的学生构建分子对称性概念。由于对称性是一个数学概念,因此Pirie和Kieren的数学理解增长模型被用作设计活动的框架。每项任务都允许学生通过对 2D 图形和/或 3D 操作进行操作来自我构建对称的含义。该活动是为没有分子对称背景的学生设计的,在两所公立大学进行。在课堂上,学生们经历了与模型中一致的理解阶段。概念测试的结果证实,他们能够应用所学的概念来识别给定分子的对称元素和对称操作。




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