首页> 外文期刊>IEEE transactions on biomedical circuits and systems >Fully Implantable Plantar Cutaneous Augmentation System for Rats Using Closed-loop Electrical Nerve Stimulation

Fully Implantable Plantar Cutaneous Augmentation System for Rats Using Closed-loop Electrical Nerve Stimulation


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Plantar cutaneous feedback plays an important role in stable and efficient gait, by modulating the activity of ankle dorsi- and plantar-flexor muscles. However, central and peripheral nervous system trauma often decrease plantar cutaneous feedback and/or interneuronal excitability in processing the plantar cutaneous feedback. In this study, we tested a fully implantable neural recording and stimulation system augmenting plantar cutaneous feedback. Electromyograms were recorded from the medial gastrocnemius muscle for stance phase detection, while biphasic stimulation pulses were applied to the distal-tibial nerve during the stance phase to augment plantar cutaneous feedback. A Bluetooth low energy and a Qi-standard inductive link were adopted for wireless communication and wireless charging, respectively. To test the operation of the system, one intact rat walked on a treadmill with the electrical system implanted into its back. Leg kinematics were recorded to identify the stance phase. Stimulation was applied, with a 250-ms onset delay from stance onset and 200-ms duration, resulting in the onset at 47.58?±?2.82 of stance phase and the offset at 83.49?±?4.26 of stance phase (Mean?±?SEM). The conduction velocity of the compound action potential (31.2 m/s and 41.6 m/s at 1·T and 2·T, respectively) suggests that the evoked action potential was characteristic of an afferent volley for cutaneous feedback. We also demonstrated successful wireless charging and system reset functions. The experimental results suggest that the presented implantable system can be a valuable neural interface tool to investigate the effect of plantar cutaneous augmentation on gait in a rat model.
机译:足底皮肤反馈通过调节踝背肌和跖屈肌的活动,在稳定和高效的步态中起着重要作用。然而,中枢和周围神经系统创伤通常会降低足底皮肤反馈和/或处理足底皮肤反馈的神经元间兴奋性。在这项研究中,我们测试了一种完全可植入的神经记录和刺激系统,该系统增强了足底皮肤反馈。从腓肠肌内侧记录肌电图以检测站立相位,同时在站立阶段将双相刺激脉冲应用于胫骨远端神经以增强足底皮肤反馈。无线通信和无线充电分别采用低功耗蓝牙和Qi标准感应链路。为了测试系统的运行情况,一只完好无损的大鼠在跑步机上行走,并将电气系统植入其背部。记录腿部运动学以确定站立阶段。施加刺激,从站立开始延迟 250 ms,持续时间为 200 ms,导致开始时间为站立相位的 47.58?±?2.82%,偏移量为 83.49?±?4.26% 站立相位(平均值±?SEM)。复合动作电位的传导速度(1·T 和 2·T)表明诱发电位是皮肤反馈传入截击的特征。我们还演示了成功的无线充电和系统复位功能。实验结果表明,所提出的植入式系统可以作为一种有价值的神经接口工具,用于研究足底皮肤增强对大鼠模型步态的影响。




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