首页> 外文期刊>Advanced Optical Materials >Ecofriendly Perovskites with Giant Self-Defocusing Optical Response

Ecofriendly Perovskites with Giant Self-Defocusing Optical Response


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The full optical control of light using sustainable green technologies is oneof the incipient challenges of the Photonics community. There are, however,few optical materials able to provide a significant nonlinear refractive indexchange under small enough intensities (< 1 GW cm~(?2)), and, more importantly,allowing the external control of the magnitude and sign of their nonlinearresponse. This manuscript demonstrates that Cs_2SnI_6 lead-free nanocrystals(NCs) present an extraordinary self-defocusing response not yet observed upto now in any material. Despite its complex structural form, these NCs arefully characterized here, both experimentally and theoretically, revealing agiant negative refractive change Δn = ?0.05 under proper illumination conditions.The nonlinear response is tuned with the intensity, concentration ofNCs in the solvent, and propagation distance leading to a crossover wherethe media transforms to self-focusing with Δn = +0.002. These results canprovide fascinating opportunities in sensing and light–matter interactions fora future ecofriendly photonic technology.
机译:使用可持续的绿色技术对光进行全面的光学控制是光子学界的初期挑战之一。然而,很少有光学材料能够在足够小的强度下(< 1 GW cm~(?2))提供显着的非线性折射率变化,更重要的是,允许外部控制其非线性响应的大小和符号。这份手稿表明,Cs_2SnI_6无铅纳米晶体(NCs)表现出非凡的自离焦响应,迄今为止尚未在任何材料中观察到。尽管结构复杂,但这些NC在实验和理论上都得到了充分的表征,在适当的照明条件下揭示了巨大的负折射变化Δn = ?0.05。非线性响应随强度、溶剂中NC的浓度和传播距离进行调整,导致介质在Δn = +0.002时转变为自聚焦的交叉。这些结果可以为未来的环保光子技术提供传感和光-物质相互作用的迷人机会。




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