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Quantum traps for coupling of fluorofullerene molecules


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The interaction of fluorine atoms with Cu(111) surface has been analyzed by means of scanning tunneling microscopy and x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). A submonolayer coverage of fluorinated fullerene C60F18 has been chosen to provide a well controllable arrival of fluorine atoms on copper surface. The appearance of F-induced surface structures on the Cu(111) surface caused by defluorination of C60F18 molecules adsorbed on the surface was shown. XPS measurements unambiguously indicate the existence of chemical state of fluorine not typical for CuF2 formation. Superstructure of well ordered metastable clusters consisting of fluorofullerene molecules are formed on the Cu(111) surface as a result of the balance of two interactions: the dipole-dipole interaction between fluorofullerene molecules and the interaction of C60F18 molecules with the two-dimensional gas phase, emerging above the copper surface. Regular surface structure formed by fullerene molecules interacting through collective vibrational mode can be used for entanglement formation between two qubits each associated with ground and excited electronic states of the molecule by applying two coherent laser pulses.
机译:采用扫描隧道显微镜和X射线光电子能谱(XPS)分析了氟原子与Cu(111)表面的相互作用.氟化富勒烯 C60F18 的亚单层覆盖已被选择,以提供氟原子在铜表面的良好可控到达。结果表明,吸附在Cu(111)表面的C60F18分子脱氟导致Cu(111)表面出现F诱导的表面结构。XPS 测量明确表明存在氟的化学状态,这与 CuF2 的形成不典型。由氟富勒烯分子组成的有序亚稳团簇的超结构是在Cu(111)表面形成的,这是氟富勒烯分子之间的偶极-偶极相互作用和C60F18分子与二维气相相互作用的结果,出现在铜表面之上。富勒烯分子通过集体振动模式相互作用形成的规则表面结构可用于通过施加两个相干激光脉冲在两个量子比特之间形成纠缠,每个量子比特都与分子的基态和激发电子态相关联。




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