首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of the American Association of Variable Star Observers >MOTESS-GNAT Sky Survey: MG1 Long Period Variable Stars Re-Visited After 10 Years

MOTESS-GNAT Sky Survey: MG1 Long Period Variable Stars Re-Visited After 10 Years

机译:MOTESS-GNAT Sky Survey: MG1 Long Period Variable Stars Re-Visited After 10 Years

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The MG6 survey is a 10-year follow-up to the MG1 survey. A new reduction of these surveys has been performed and screened for candidate long period variable stars (LPVs). In combination with the original 47 LPVs found in the MGl variable star candidate catalog a total of 138 LPVs have been identified in the MGl 48.3'-wide equatorial strip. The additional data have allowed for refinement of the period determinations for most of the LPVs? Some of the biases of the selected population with respect to period length and color distribution are examined. This study has newly identified 9 unique LPVs, bringing the total number of new LPV identifications from the MOTESS-GNAT survey to 56. The number of LPVs in this list exhibiting hump characteristics has been expanded to at least 15.




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