
Prime Color Wavelengths Improve Color Discrimination

机译:Prime Color Wavelengths Improve Color Discrimination

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ABSTRACT Using comparative and iterative analyses of three-component spectral power distributions, this work demonstrates the advantage of locating radiation about the prime color wavelengths (near 450, 530, and 610?nm) over the anti-prime color wavelengths (near 490, 570, and 650?nm) for the purpose of maximizing color discrimination as measured by the Total Light Source Error Score, R d. To maximize color discrimination (minimize R d) most effectively in the design of a three-component spectrum, locate the primaries about the prime color wavelengths and increase their spectral width up to a full-width at half-maximum of 60?nm, at which R d is minimized. This work also details the internal logical consistency of quantifying color discrimination of a light source using R d, whereby the color discrimination ability of the daylight spectrum is set as ideal color discriminator meant to be replicated, not exceeded. Such internal logical consistency does not exist with quantifying color discrimination using gamut area, where is it demonstrably simple to exceed the performance of daylight (i.e., R g ≥ 100).




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