首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Applied Microbiology >Murine colonization model by Campylobacter coli DSPV458

Murine colonization model by Campylobacter coli DSPV458

机译:大肠弯曲杆菌的小鼠定植模型 DSPV458

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Abstract Aims To generate a murine experimental model of colonization by Campylobacter coli DSPV458. Methods and Results Twelve adult Balb/cCmedc female mice were housed in a treated group (T‐G) and a control group (C‐G) for 4 weeks. Both experimental groups received antibiotics for 5 days during the first week. The T‐G was administered with 6.68log10CFU of C. coli DSPV458 by oesophageal gavage. Necropsies were performed weekly to evaluate translocation and intestinal colonization in the spleen and liver and in the ileum and cecum respectively. Samples were cultured to quantify intestinal microbiota members. Faeces were cultured weekly for a C. coli DSPV458 count. Campylobacter coli DSPV458 was isolated from all the inoculated mice. The recovered level of C. coli DSPV458 was, on average, 6.9 log10CFUg−1, 8.0 log10CFUg−1 and 1.6 log10CFUg−1 in faeces, cecum and ileum respectively. Colonization by C. coli DSPV458 does not alter the normal clinical and physiological status. Conclusions Campylobacter coli DSPV458 does not have an invasive capacity, and the model is suitable for evaluating strategies to reduce intestinal loads. Significance and Impact of Study Farm animals have an important impact on thermotolerant Campylobacter transmission to humans. Extremely few colonization models by C. coli have been reported to date. In food‐producing animals, infection is mild or absent and thermotolerant Campylobacter colonize the intestines of animals. Colonization models are specific models that do not cause infection as they do not generally result in diarrhoea or other signs of disease. Therefore, this model will allow to evaluate the evolution of colonization by thermotolerant Campylobacter and the alternative tools development to antibiotics that limit their colonization in food‐producing animals.
机译:摘要 目的 建立大肠弯曲杆菌DSPV458定植的小鼠实验模型。方法和结果 将12只成年Balb/cCmedc雌性小鼠分为治疗组(T-G)和对照组(C-G),饲养4周。两个实验组在第一周内都接受了为期 5 天的抗生素治疗。T-G用6.68log10CFU的大肠杆菌DSPV458食管管饲法给药。每周进行一次尸检,以评估脾脏和肝脏以及回肠和盲肠的易位和肠道定植。培养样品以量化肠道微生物群成员。每周培养粪便进行大肠杆菌DSPV458计数。从所有接种的小鼠中分离出大肠弯曲杆菌DSPV458。粪便、盲肠和回肠中大肠杆菌DSPV458的回收水平平均分别为6.9 log10CFUg−1、8.0 log10CFUg−1和1.6 log10CFUg−1。大肠杆菌定植DSPV458不会改变正常的临床和生理状态。结论 大肠弯曲杆菌DSPV458不具有侵袭能力,该模型适用于评估降低肠道负荷的策略。研究的意义和影响 农场动物对耐热弯曲杆菌向人类的传播有重要影响。迄今为止,大肠杆菌的定植模型极少。在食用动物中,感染是轻微的或不存在的,耐热弯曲杆菌定植于动物的肠道。定植模型是不会引起感染的特定模型,因为它们通常不会导致腹泻或其他疾病迹象。因此,该模型将允许评估耐热弯曲杆菌定植的演变以及抗生素的替代工具开发,以限制它们在食用动物中的定植。




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