首页> 外文期刊>Drug and alcohol review >Why do women consume alcohol during pregnancy or while breastfeeding?

Why do women consume alcohol during pregnancy or while breastfeeding?


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Abstract Issue Alcohol consumption during pregnancy and breastfeeding cause adverse health outcomes to the mother and child, including Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD). Approach Systematic literature review and thematic synthesis. Original studies that contained reasons for alcohol consumption in pregnancy and while breastfeeding were included. The Mixed Methods Appraisal Tool (MMAT) and the Confidence in the Evidence of Reviews of Qualitative Research (CerQUAL) approach were utilised. The review protocol is available on PROSPERO (registration number: CRD42018116998). Key Findings Forty‐two eligible studies comprising women from 16 countries were included. Most commonly reported reasons of alcohol use in pregnancy were societal pressure and the belief that only “strong” alcohol and alcohol in large quantities is harmful. Other reasons were: a lack of awareness of adverse effects on the fetus; coping with adverse life experiences; consumption based on intuitive decision‐making and influenced by personal/peer experiences; belief in the beneficial properties of alcohol; advice from medical practitioners; unwanted or unplanned pregnancy; alcohol dependence; and consumption as a cultural/traditional custom. Reasons for alcohol use during breastfeeding included the belief that alcohol stimulates breast milk production, unclear advice from medical practitioners, unawareness of the risks of infant exposure and to improve mood and celebrate events. Implications Understanding the context of reasons for alcohol use in pregnancy is crucial for implementing prenatal health education, and preventing FASD and other adverse maternal and child health outcomes. Conclusion Individual beliefs, knowledge/advice, culture and personal circumstances influence alcohol use in pregnancy. Data are limited for reasons surrounding alcohol use while breastfeeding.
机译:摘要 妊娠期和哺乳期饮酒会对母亲和孩子造成不良健康后果,包括胎儿酒精谱系障碍(FASD)。方法:系统文献综述和专题综合。纳入了包含怀孕期间和母乳喂养期间饮酒原因的原始研究。采用混合方法评估工具(MMAT)和定性研究综述证据置信度(CerQUAL)方法。审查方案可在PROSPERO上获得(注册号:CRD42018116998)。主要发现 纳入了来自16个国家的42项符合条件的研究,包括女性。怀孕期间饮酒的最常见原因是社会压力和认为只有“烈性”酒精和大量酒精是有害的。其他原因是:缺乏对胎儿不良影响的认识;应对不良的生活经历;基于直觉决策并受个人/同伴经验影响的消费;相信酒精的有益特性;医生的建议;意外或意外怀孕;酒精依赖;消费作为一种文化/传统习俗。母乳喂养期间饮酒的原因包括认为酒精会刺激母乳分泌、医生的建议不明确、不了解婴儿接触的风险以及改善情绪和庆祝活动。影响 了解怀孕期间饮酒的原因背景对于实施产前健康教育以及预防胎儿酒精谱系障碍和其他不良母婴健康结局至关重要。结论 个人信仰、知识/建议、文化和个人情况会影响妊娠期饮酒。由于母乳喂养期间饮酒的原因,数据有限。




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