首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Climate >Enhanced Predictability of Rapidly Intensifying Tropical Cyclones over the Western North Pacific Associated with Snow Depth Changes over the Tibetan Plateau

Enhanced Predictability of Rapidly Intensifying Tropical Cyclones over the Western North Pacific Associated with Snow Depth Changes over the Tibetan Plateau


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This study finds an enhanced relationship in recent years between January-March eastern Tibetan Plateau snow depth (TPSD) and the frequency of rapidly intensifying tropical cyclones (RITCs) over the western North Pacific (WNP) during the following peak TC season (July-November). The correlation between TPSD and RITCs is significant during 2000-14 but was insignificant during 1979-99. During 2000-14, when TPSD increases, there is an enhanced low-level anomalous anticyclone over the subtropical eastern North Pacific mainly due to the combined effect of advection and dynamics of the climatological prevailing westerly jet. Northeasterly wind anomalies are observed on the flank of the anticyclonic circulation anomaly, favoring anomalously cool sea surface temperature (SST). These anomalies lead to an anomalous pattern similar to the Pacific meridional mode (PMM), via a wind-evaporation feedback and cold advection. A Gill-type Rossby response to the PMM-like negative phase results in an anticyclonic circulation anomaly over the WNP, suppressing RITCs during 2000-14. A nearly opposite circulation anomaly occurred when TPSD was lower during 2000-14. There is a weak relationship between TPSD and RITCs, due to the lack of a link between TPSD and the PMM-like pattern from 1979 to 1999. Decadal changes in the relationship between TPSD and RITCs are mainly due to the meridional displacement of the prevailing westerly jet, which may be in response to decadal-to-multidecadal variability of SST anomalies. These changes then result in changes in the relationship between January-March TPSD and the PMM-like pattern.
机译:本研究发现,近年来,1-3月青藏高原东部积雪深度(TPSD)与随后的TC高峰期(7-11月)北太平洋西部(WNP)快速增强的热带气旋(RITCs)频率之间的关系增强。TPSD和RITCs之间的相关性在2000-14年期间是显著的,但在1979-99年期间是不显著的。在2000-14年期间,当TPSD增加时,北太平洋副热带东部上空的低层异常反气旋增强,这主要是由于平流和气候盛行西风急流动力学的综合作用。在反气旋环流异常的侧翼观察到东北风异常,有利于异常冷的海面温度(SST)。这些异常通过风蒸发反馈和冷平流导致类似于太平洋经向模态(PMM)的异常模式。Gill型Rossby对PMM样负相的反应导致WNP上空的反气旋环流异常,抑制了2000-14年间的RITCs。在2000-2014年期间,当TPSD较低时,出现了几乎相反的环流异常。由于 1979 年至 1999 年 TPSD 与类似 PMM 的模式之间缺乏联系,TPSD 和 RITC 之间的关系较弱。TPSD与RITCs关系的年代际变化主要是由于盛行西风急流的经向位移,这可能是对海温异常年代际到多年代际变化的响应。然后,这些变化导致 1 月至 3 月 TPSD 与类似 PMM 的模式之间的关系发生变化。




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