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Mental health impacts of humanitarian crisis on HCWs in Syria amidst COVID-19


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To conclude, the consolidation of multiple converging factors such as political instability, lack of sufficient resources, and the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic have created various mental health issues for Syrian HCWs inside and out of Syria's borders. These include PTSD, burnout, anxiety, depression, and secondary stress. As previously stated, the mass emigration of medical personnel out of Syria has resulted in the speedy demise of workforce strength in a country where complete scarcity of the medical workforce is a looming threat. Joint efforts by local and global powers are crucial to ameliorate the mental impacts faced by medical personnel, such as the formation of stress management programs, introducing telemedicine centres to alleviate pressure for healthcare professionals, and continued support by organizations like the WHO in providing psychological support to HCWs, along with increased provision of PPE and other necessary resources for the protection of HCWs against COVID-19.
机译:总而言之,政治不稳定、缺乏足够资源和 SARS-CoV-2 大流行等多种融合因素的整合给叙利亚境内外的叙利亚医护人员带来了各种心理健康问题。这些包括创伤后应激障碍、倦怠、焦虑、抑郁和继发性压力。如前所述,医务人员大规模迁出叙利亚,导致该国医务人员完全稀缺是一个迫在眉睫的威胁,导致劳动力迅速消亡。地方和全球力量的共同努力对于减轻医务人员面临的精神影响至关重要,例如制定压力管理计划,引入远程医疗中心以减轻医疗保健专业人员的压力,以及世界卫生组织等组织继续支持为医护人员提供心理支持,同时增加个人防护装备和其他必要资源,以保护医护人员免受COVID-19的侵害。




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