首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Medicinal Chemistry >Structural Insights into Molecular Recognition and Receptor Activation in Chemokine-Chemokine Receptor Complexes

Structural Insights into Molecular Recognition and Receptor Activation in Chemokine-Chemokine Receptor Complexes


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The chemokine system is a key player in the functioningof theimmune system and a sought-after target for drug candidates. The numberof experimental structures of chemokines in complex with chemokinereceptors has increased rapidly over the past few years, providingessential information for rational development of chemokine receptorligands. Here, we perform a comparative analysis of all chemokine-chemokinereceptor structures, with the aim of characterizing the molecularrecognition processes and highlighting the relationships between chemokinestructures and functional processes. The structures show conservedinteraction patterns between the chemokine core and the receptor N-terminus,while interactions near ECL2 display subfamily-specific features.Detailed analyses of the interactions of the chemokine N-terminaldomain in the 7TM cavities reveal activation mechanisms for CCR5,CCR2, and CXCR2 and a mechanism for biased agonism in CCR1.
机译:趋化因子系统是免疫系统功能的关键参与者,也是候选药物的抢手靶点。在过去几年中,趋化因子与趋化因子受体复合物的实验结构数量迅速增加,为趋化因子受体配体的合理开发提供了重要信息。在这里,我们对所有趋化因子-趋化因子受体结构进行了比较分析,目的是表征分子识别过程并突出趋化因子结构与功能过程之间的关系。这些结构在趋化因子核心和受体N末端之间显示出保守的相互作用模式,而ECL2附近的相互作用显示出亚家族特异性特征。对 7TM 腔中趋化因子 N 末端结构域相互作用的详细分析揭示了 CCR5、CCR2 和 CXCR2 的激活机制以及 CCR1 偏向激动的机制。




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