首页> 外文期刊>HortTechnology >Establishment of Tall Fescue Seeded after Postemergence Broadleaf Herbicide Application

Establishment of Tall Fescue Seeded after Postemergence Broadleaf Herbicide Application


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Successful weed control before seeding is necessary for proper turfgrass establishment. However, herbicide labels differ in the time required between application and seeding. The objective of this research was to determine the influence of four postemergence broadleaf combination herbicides on tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea) cover, normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), and canopy height when seeded 0, 3, 7, and 14 days after herbicide application. Herbicide treatments included the following: 1) a nontreated control; 2) 0.03 lb/acre carfentrazone-ethyl + 0.09 lb/acre methylchlorophenoxypropionic acid (MCPP) + 1.44 lb/acre 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) + 0.30 lb/acre dicamba; 3) 0.20 lb/acre fluroxypyr + 0.01 lb/acre halauxifen-methyl + 1.44 lb/acre 2,4-D choline; 4) 0.20 lb/acre triclopyr + 0.003 lb/acre pyraflufen-ethyl + 1.72 lb/acre 2,4-D + 0.14/acre dicamba; and 5) 0.04 lb/acre penoxsulam + 0.04 lb/acre sulfentrazone + 0.40 lb/acre 2,4-D + 0.11 lb/acre dicamba. Penoxsulam + sulfentrazone + 2,4-D + dicamba reduced tall fescue cover, NDVI, and canopy height compared with the nontreated. This research demonstrates seeding between 0 to 14 days after an application of carfentrazone-ethyl + MCPP + 2,4-D + dicamba, fluroxypyr + halauxifen-methyl + 2,4-D choline, or triclopyr + pyraflufen-ethyl + 2,4-D + dicamba will result in successful tall fescue establishment under the conditions evaluated in these experiments.
机译:播种前成功控制杂草是正确建立草坪草的必要条件。然而,除草剂标签在施用和播种之间所需的时间上有所不同。本研究的目的是确定4种苗后阔叶复方除草剂对施用除草剂后0、3、7和14 d高羊茅覆盖率、归一化差值植被指数(NDVI)和冠层高度的影响。除草剂处理包括以下内容:1)未经处理的对照;2) 0.03 磅/英亩卡芬曲-乙基 + 0.09 磅/英亩甲基氯苯氧基丙酸 (MCPP) + 1.44 磅/英亩 2,4-二氯苯氧乙酸 (2,4-D) + 0.30 磅/英亩麦草畏;3) 0.20 磅/英亩氟吡喃 + 0.01 磅/英亩甲基氟氧芬 + 1.44 磅/英亩 2,4-D 胆碱;4) 0.20 磅/英亩三氯嘧啶 + 0.003 磅/英亩吡氟芬乙基 + 1.72 磅/英亩 2,4-D + 0.14/英亩麦草畏;5) 0.04 磅/英亩五磺草胺 + 0.04 磅/英亩磺草胺 + 0.40 磅/英亩 2,4-D + 0.11 磅/英亩麦草畏。与未处理相比,戊虫磺草胺+磺草胺+2,4-D+麦草畏降低了高羊茅覆盖率、NDVI和冠层高度。这项研究表明,在这些实验中评估的条件下,施用卡芬曲酮-乙基 + MCPP + 2,4-D + 麦草畏、氟氧吡基 + 氟氧芬-甲基 + 2,4-D 胆碱或三氯嘧啶 + 吡氟芬-乙基 + 2,4-D + 麦草畏后 0 至 14 天播种将导致成功建立高羊茅。




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