
North Sea workers in walkout

机译:North Sea workers in walkout

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HUNDREDS of contract workers on facilities operated by Repsol Sinopec Resources UK and BP's UK North Sea platforms went on strike last week. About 146 members of the Unite trade union working for the UK-listed services giant Petrofac on Repsol Sinopec's installations downed tools in an ongoing dispute over pay and working terms. The union said the walkout -over the removal of a 10% payment for working equal time shift rotations, as well as issues over payments for medicals, mileage and stand in duties, among others - is becoming "increasingly bitter". Separately, Unite members employed by Petrofac on BP's Andrew, Clair, Clair Ridge, ETAP and Glen Lyon installations were also striking. The action on BP facilities centres on the workers' shift rotations, which are currently three weeks on, three weeks off. Unite said both disputes were likely to cause "considerable disruption" but it is unclear if production was affected. General secretary Sharon Graham said: "Offshore oil and gas companies are making eye-watering profits yet are playing Scrooge when it comes to the workers. "Instead of working to resolve this dispute, management are prolonging it. Their actions are those of a greedy and callous employer hell-bent on making their workers worse off while their shareholders bathe in the wealth created.




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