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Utilization of chitosan edible coating in storage of leren (Calathea allouia) tubers


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Leren (Calathea allouia) tuber is very palatable with high carbohydrate content, protein, fiber, minerals, essential amino acids but low levels of lipids. However, it's quickly decomposed during post-havest. Chitosan has been demonstrated to be an eco-friendly alternative to synthetic fungicides for the management of post-harvest diseases on horticultural crop products. Objective of this study focused on the efficacy of chitosan coating in different concentrations (0.05, 0.1, 0.15, 0.2 and 0.25) onleren tubers during six months of storage at ambient temperature. In every two month-interval, treated leren tubers were randomly sampled to estimate weight loss (), firmness (), decay percentage and soluble solid (oBrix). This study was conducted in 2019 in Labone Scientific Co. Ltd, Vietnam. Our results showed that 0.2 of chitosan coating could effectively preserve the physico-chemical attributes of leren tubers during six months of storage. Chitosan had a potential as a substitute for synthetic fungicides to reduce post-harvest losses in leren tubers.
机译:Leren (Calathea allouia) 块茎非常可口,碳水化合物含量、蛋白质、纤维、矿物质、必需氨基酸含量高,但脂质含量低。然而,它在后有时间会很快分解。壳聚糖已被证明是合成杀菌剂的环保替代品,用于管理园艺作物产品的收获后病害。本研究的目的在于,不同浓度(0.05、0.1、0.15、0.2和0.25%)壳聚糖包衣在室温下贮藏6个月时的功效。每隔两个月,随机抽取处理过的勒伦块茎,以估计失重 (%)、硬度 (%)、腐烂百分比和可溶性固体 (oBrix)。这项研究于2019年在越南的Labone Scientific Co. Ltd进行。结果表明,0.2%的壳聚糖包衣在贮藏6个月期间能有效保留木薯的理化特性。壳聚糖具有替代合成杀菌剂的潜力,可减少木兰块茎的收获后损失。




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