首页> 外文期刊>Drug and alcohol review >Electronic nicotine delivery system advertising in business‐to‐business publications, United States, 2015–2020

Electronic nicotine delivery system advertising in business‐to‐business publications, United States, 2015–2020

机译:2015-2020 年美国企业对企业出版物中的电子尼古丁输送系统广告

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Abstract Introduction Tobacco retailers are a key target audience for tobacco product advertising, yet little is known about the messages and channels used to market electronic nicotine delivery systems (ENDS) to retailers. Methods We assessed expenditures for business‐to‐business print advertising for ENDS in the United States, by year and by advertiser, from 2015 to 2020; and the content of advertisements placed in 2020. Results The total number of ENDS brands placing business‐to‐business advertisements declined from 45 in 2015 to 6 in 2020; spending declined from $2.6 million in 2015 (for 283 occurrences) to $492,789 in 2020 (69 occurrences). Across years, the top‐spending advertisers were Logic ($1.9 million), blu ($1.0 million), JUUL ($625,050), NJOY ($373,126) and Vuse ($322,075). Common messages of advertisements placed in 2020 included that products are not intended for minors; brand market share; health warnings; profitability or revenue potential for retailers; and flavours. Discussion This study suggests that ENDS companies anticipate that ENDS retailers are interested in stocking products that maximise profits, appeal to consumers and comply with regulatory requirements. Declines in the number of advertisers mirror the overall consolidation of the ENDS industry that occurred during the study period. Conclusions Business‐to‐business print advertising represents an important channel in which ENDS brands communicate a variety of messages about their products directly to potential retailers.
机译:摘要 引言 烟草零售商是烟草制品广告的主要目标受众,但对用于向零售商推销电子尼古丁输送系统(ENDS)的信息和渠道知之甚少。方法 我们评估了 2015 年至 2020 年美国 ENDS 的企业对企业平面广告支出,按年份和广告商划分;以及 2020 年投放的广告内容。结果 投放企业对企业广告的电子尼古丁传送系统品牌总数从2015年的45个下降到2020年的6个;支出从 2015 年的 260 万美元(283 次)下降到 2020 年的 492,789 美元(69 次)。多年来,支出最高的广告商是 Logic(190 万美元)、blu(100 万美元)、JUUL(625,050 美元)、NJOY(373,126 美元)和 Vuse(322,075 美元)。2020 年投放的广告的常见信息包括产品不适合未成年人;品牌市场占有率;健康警告;零售商的盈利能力或收入潜力;和口味。讨论 本研究表明,电子尼古丁传送系统公司预计电子尼古丁传送系统零售商对库存利润最大化、吸引消费者并遵守监管要求的产品感兴趣。广告商数量的下降反映了研究期间电子尼古丁传送系统行业的整体整合。结论 企业对企业的平面广告是ENDS品牌直接向潜在零售商传达有关其产品的各种信息的重要渠道。




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