首页> 外文期刊>Journal of the American Medical Directors Association >Systematic Review of Psychotropic Adverse Drug Event Monitoring Tools for Use in Long-Term Care Facilities

Systematic Review of Psychotropic Adverse Drug Event Monitoring Tools for Use in Long-Term Care Facilities


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? 2023 AMDA – The Society for Post-Acute and Long-Term Care MedicineObjectives: To evaluate properties of psychotropic adverse drug event (ADE) monitoring tools intended for use in long-term care facilities. Design: Systematic review. Setting and Participants: Adults aged 18 years and older in nursing homes and other long-term care facilities. Methods: Medline, CINAHL, Embase, and PsycInfo were searched from inception to August 2022 for studies reporting the development, validation, or application of tools to monitor psychotropic ADEs. Screening, data extraction, and quality assessment were performed independently by 2 authors. Each tool was assessed under the domains of test-retest reliability, interrater reliability, content validity, and construct validity. Results: Eight studies that described 6 tools were included. Tools were developed in Wales (n = 2), United States (n = 1), Ireland (n = 1), Canada (n = 1), and Singapore (n = 1). Tools monitored 4 to 95 items related to antipsychotics (n = 6 tools), antidepressants (n = 4), benzodiazepines or hypnotics (n = 4), antiepileptics (n = 4), and dementia medications (n = 1). Tools commonly monitored sedation, tiredness, or sleepiness (n = 6), falls (n = 4), and tremor or extrapyramidal symptoms (n = 4). Tools were designed for application by nurses (n = 4), during family conferences (n = 1), and by general medical practitioners before repeat prescribing (n = 1). Two tools were reported to require 10 to 60 minutes to administer. Four tools were determined to have adequate content validity and 2 tools adequate interrater reliability. No tools reported test-retest reliability or construct validity. Conclusions and Implications: Six published psychotropic ADE monitoring tools are heterogeneous in design and intended application. Existing tools are predominately designed for application by nurses with or without direct involvement of the wider multidisciplinary team. Further research is needed into models of care that facilitate psychotropic ADE monitoring in the long-term care facility setting, and the extent to which application of specific tools is associated with reduced medication-related harm.
机译:?2023 AMDA – 急性后和长期护理医学学会目标:评估用于长期护理机构的精神药物不良事件 (ADE) 监测工具的特性。设计:系统评价。环境和参与者:疗养院和其他长期护理机构中 18 岁及以上的成年人。方法:检索Medline、CINAHL、Embase和PsycInfo,检索从建库到2022年8月的研究,以报告开发、验证或应用监测精神药物ADEs的工具。筛选、资料提取和质量评价由2位作者独立进行。每个工具都在重测信度、评分者间信度、内容效度和结构效度等领域进行评估。结果:共纳入8项研究,涉及6种工具。威尔士 (n = 2)、美国 (n = 1)、爱尔兰 (n = 1)、加拿大 (n = 1) 和新加坡 (n = 1) 开发了工具。监测工具:4至95个项目,涉及抗精神病药(n = 6个工具)、抗抑郁药(n = 4)、苯二氮卓类药物或催眠药(n = 4)、抗癫痫药(n = 4)和痴呆药物(n = 1)。通常监测镇静、疲倦或嗜睡 (n = 6)、跌倒 (n = 4) 以及震颤或锥体外系症状 (n = 4) 的工具。设计工具供护士 (n = 4)、家庭会议期间 (n = 1) 和全科医生在重复开处方前应用 (n = 1)。据报道,两种工具需要 10 到 60 分钟才能管理。4 种工具被确定为具有足够的内容有效性,2 种工具具有足够的评分者间可靠性。没有工具报告重测信度或结构效度。结论和启示:六种已发表的精神药物ADE监测工具在设计和预期应用方面存在差异。现有工具主要是为护士应用而设计的,无论是否有更广泛的多学科团队的直接参与。需要进一步研究在长期护理机构环境中促进精神药物ADE监测的护理模式,以及特定工具的应用与减少药物相关伤害的程度。




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