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Despite Challenges, TOB Hits New High


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If was an "if only" kind of year for fhe top of bed category. Consumers buoyed by higher savings and the spring 2021 infusion of federal stimulus payments were still home-focused and shopping accordingly. So demand was hot, but the supply chain was not, sometimes leading to months-long delays in deliveries.To be fair, comparisons were up against explosive sales growth of 16 in 2020, when category sales at retail came in just shy of $6 billion. Although 2021 growth pulled back into a more normal year-over-year cadence - up 1.8 - it managed to push sales over the line to $6.1 billion."Last year was an anomaly. Supply chain issues certainly impacted sales negatively, but we had lots of factors driving business as well - stimulus money, more time spent working from home, nowhere to spend disposable income other than purchases because restaurants, shows and travel were all off-limits," said Rosie Iglesias, senior vice president of sales, Mainstream International. "Supply chain and freight costs are further impacting the business this year because the positive factors that influenced last year's business are no longer there."
机译:如果是床顶类别的“如果”年份。在储蓄增加和 2021 年春季联邦刺激措施的提振下,消费者仍然以居家为中心,并相应地购物。因此,需求很旺盛,但供应链却不热,有时会导致长达数月的交货延迟。公平地说,相比之下,2020 年销售额增长了 16%,当时零售品类销售额略低于 60 亿美元。尽管 2021 年的增长回落到更正常的同比节奏——增长 1.8%——但它成功地将销售额推高至 61 亿美元。去年是一个反常现象。供应链问题肯定会对销售产生负面影响,但我们也有很多推动业务的因素——刺激资金、更多时间在家工作、除了购物之外无处花费可支配收入,因为餐馆、演出和旅行都是禁区,“Mainstream International 销售高级副总裁 Rosie Iglesias 说。“供应链和货运成本进一步影响了今年的业务,因为影响去年业务的积极因素已不复存在。”




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