首页> 外文期刊>Optics and Spectroscopy >Energy Spectrum and Optical Absorption of Endohedral Er2C2@C-90 Complexes Based on Isomers nos. 21 and 44

Energy Spectrum and Optical Absorption of Endohedral Er2C2@C-90 Complexes Based on Isomers nos. 21 and 44


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Opticalabsorption spectra (OASs) of endohedral Er2C2@C-90 complexes, based on isomers nos. 44 (C-2) and 21 (C-1) of fullerene C-90, have been simulated. To this end, the energy spectra of these isomers have been calculated. The calculations have been performed within two models. Within the first (conventional) model, only hoppings ofit electrons between sites (nearest-neighbor hopping integral B similar to -2.6 eV) has been taken into account. Within the second model, intrasite Coulomb interaction (ISCI) of it electrons (Coulomb-interaction integral U similar to 7.0 eV) has been also taken into account along with intersite hoppings (nearest-neighbor hopping integral B similar to -1.0 eV). Comparison of the obtained OAS curves with the experimental data convincingly indicates that the second model describes adequately the OASs of endohedral Er2C2@C-90 complexes, based on the isomers under investigation. Charge transfer from the Er2C2 system to the fullerene shell was -4e.
机译:基于富勒烯 C-90 的 44 (C-2) 和 21 (C-1) 异构体,模拟了内面体 Er2C2@C-90 配合物的光学吸收光谱 (OAS)。为此,已经计算了这些异构体的能谱。计算已在两个模型中执行。在第一个(传统)模型中,仅考虑了位点之间的电子跳跃(最近邻跳跃积分B,类似于-2.6 eV)。在第二个模型中,还考虑了其电子的位内库仑相互作用(ISCI)(库仑相互作用积分U类似于7.0 eV)以及位间跳跃(最近邻跳跃积分B类似于-1.0 eV)。将得到的OAS曲线与实验数据进行比较,令人信服地表明,第二个模型基于所研究的异构体,充分描述了内面体Er2C2@C-90配合物的OAS。从Er2C2系统到富勒烯壳层的电荷转移为-4e。




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