首页> 外文期刊>Journal of refractive surgery >Effects of Modified Haptics on Surgical Outcomes and Rotational Stability of Toric Intraocular Lens Implantation.

Effects of Modified Haptics on Surgical Outcomes and Rotational Stability of Toric Intraocular Lens Implantation.


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To assess the rotational stability of a new toric intraocular lens (IOL), TECNIS toric II (toric II), which is a modified version of the TECNIS toric IOL (toric I) with frosted haptics (Johnson Johnson). A total of 101 eyes of 101 patients who had been treated with phacoemulsification and toric IOL implantation were included. Before and 1 day, 1 week, and 1 month after surgery, uncorrected (UDVA) and corrected (CDVA) distance visual acuity were measured. Preoperative corneal astigmatism and postoperative manifest refractive astigmatism at 1 day and 1 month were analyzed. At 1 day and 1 month postoperatively, the amount of IOL axis misalignment from the intended orientation, tilt, and decentration were measured using anterior segment optical coherence tomography. Fifty-one eyes received the toric I IOL and 50 eyes received the toric II IOL. Toric I IOLs showed a significantly larger amount of axis misalignment than toric II IOLs at both 1 day (9.6 ± 7.6° vs 5.4 ± 4.8°,P = .003) and 1 month (9.1 ± 7.8° vs. 4.7 ± 4.2°,P = .003) postoperatively.The proportion of eyes with misalignment greater than 10° was significantly larger with toric I than toric II IOLs (P J Refract Surg . 2022;38(10):648-653. .
机译:为了评估新型复曲面人工晶状体(IOL)的旋转稳定性,TECNIS复曲面II(复曲面II),它是TECNIS 复曲面人工晶状体(复曲面I)的改进版本,具有磨砂触觉(强生)。共纳入101例接受过超声乳化和复曲面人工晶状体植入术治疗的患者的101只眼睛。术前和术后1天、1周、1个月测量未矫正(UDVA)和矫正(CDVA)远视力。分析术前角膜散光和术后1 d和1个月时明显屈光散光。术后1天和1个月,使用眼前节光学相干断层扫描测量人工晶状体轴与预期方向、倾斜和偏心的错位量。51 只眼睛接受了复曲面 I 人工晶状体,50 只眼睛接受了复曲面 II 人工晶状体。复曲面 I 人工晶状体在术后 1 天 (9.6 ± 7.6° vs 5.4 ± 4.8°,P = .003) 和 1 个月 (9.1 ± 7.8° vs. 4.7 ± 4.2°,P = .003) 的轴错位量明显大于复曲面 II 人工晶状体。复曲面I.型人工晶状体的错位大于10°的眼睛比例明显大于复曲面II.型(P < .001)。术后1 d和1个月,人工晶状体在残余散光量、UDVA、CDVA以及倾斜和偏心量方面无显著差异。与之前的型号相比,带有磨砂触觉的TECNIS Toric II IOL显著提高了旋转稳定性。[J 折射外科杂志 . 2022;38(10):648-653.].




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