首页> 外文期刊>The coleopterist >An assemblage of ladybirds (Coccinellidae) from a Herefordshire hedgerow network, including Clitostethus arcuatus (Rossi) and Nephus quadrimaculatus (Herbst)

An assemblage of ladybirds (Coccinellidae) from a Herefordshire hedgerow network, including Clitostethus arcuatus (Rossi) and Nephus quadrimaculatus (Herbst)

机译:来自赫里福德郡树篱网络的瓢虫(Coccinellidae)的集合,包括Clitostethus arcuatus(Rossi)和Nephus quadrimaculatus(Herbst)

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A commercial contract in 2017 and 2018 involved an invertebrate survey of an area of conventional intensively exploited lowland farmland close to the city of Hereford. The primary interests found were saproxylics associated with the veteran hedgerow trees, traditional orchards and small ancient woodlands as well as - somewhat surprisingly - ladybirds associated with ivy on the tree trunks. The hedges were being flailed to within an inch of their survival and the hedge bottoms swamped with agrichemicals and very nutrient-enriched - not very promising countryside for insects at all. Nevertheless, the ladybird list was surprisingly diverse with 17 species detected (Table 1).
机译:2017 年和 2018 年的一项商业合同涉及对赫里福德市附近传统集约化开发的低地农田区域进行无脊椎动物调查。发现的主要兴趣是与老树篱、传统果园和小型古老林地相关的腐生植物,以及 - 有点令人惊讶的是 - 与树干上的常春藤相关的瓢虫。篱笆被甩到离它们生存不到一英寸的地方,篱笆底部被农用化学品淹没,营养丰富——对昆虫来说根本不是很有希望的乡村。然而,瓢虫名单出人意料地多样化,发现了17种(表1)。




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