首页> 外文期刊>臨床血液 >初発ホジキンリンパ腫の治療戦略ーInterim PETによる層別化治療の到達点ー

初発ホジキンリンパ腫の治療戦略ーInterim PETによる層別化治療の到達点ー

机译:初発ホジキンリンパ腫の治療戦略ーInterim PETによる層別化治療の到達点ー

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Interim positron emission tomography (iPET-2)-guided therapy following two cycles of ABVD chemotherapy has been developed for newly diagnosed classical Hodgkin lymphoma (cHL) patients in several prospective trials. In local-ized-stage cHL, radiotherapy cannot be omitted, even in iPET-negative patients after two or three cycles of ABVD, whereas two cycles of escalated BEACOPP regimens followed by involved nodular radiotherapy (30 Gy) is a useful treatment option for iPET-2 positive patients after two cycles of ABVD. In advanced-stage cHL, approximately 20% of cases were iPET-2 positive, and the switch to BEACOPP-based regimens was reported as a useful treatment option, with 3-year progression-free survival of approximately 60-65%, in iPET-2-positive patients in three clinical trials. Furthermore, the switch to AVD (omission of bleomycin after two cycles of ABVD) is a reasonable treatment option in iPET-2-negative patients, particularly those at risk for bleomycin lung toxicity in advanced-stage cHL. This review summarizes the current evidence regarding interim PET-guided therapy for newly diagnosed cHL patients.




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