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Fresh ideas: Twd recent projects illustrate the incredible potential of shellfish farming


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IN the past few rrionths a couple of interesting oyster and mussel research projects have caught my eye. One was a study into the benefits of fortifying bivalve shellfish with micronutrients, and the other was a French project that used undersized andwaste mussels to generate methane to produce energy. Vitamin Bullets. Microencapsulated Feeds to Fortify Shellfish one Tackle Human Nutrient Deficiencies, by David Wilier and David Aldridge, uses as its starting premise the fact that more than two billion people around the world are micronutrient deficient, according to the World Health Organization (WHO).
机译:在过去的几年里,一些有趣的牡蛎和贻贝研究项目引起了我的注意。一项是关于用微量营养素强化双壳贝类的好处的研究,另一项是法国的一个项目,该项目使用尺寸过小和废弃的贻贝产生甲烷来产生能量。维生素子弹。根据世界卫生组织 (WHO) 的数据,David Wilier 和 David Aldridge 合著的《强化贝类的微胶囊饲料一解决人类营养素缺乏症》以全球超过 20 亿人缺乏微量营养素这一事实为出发点。




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