首页> 外文期刊>Water resources management >Short-term Runoff Prediction Optimization Method Based on BGRU-BP and BLSTM-BP Neural Networks

Short-term Runoff Prediction Optimization Method Based on BGRU-BP and BLSTM-BP Neural Networks


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Abstract Runoff forecasting is one of the important non-engineering measures for flood prevention and disaster reduction. The accurate and reliable runoff forecasting mainly depends on the development of science and technology, many machine learning models have been proposed for runoff forecasting in recent years. Considering the non-linearity and real-time of hourly rainfall and runoff data. In this study, two runoff forecasting models were proposed, which were the combination of the bidirectional gated recurrent unit and backpropagation (BGRU-BP) neural network and the bidirectional long short-term memory and backpropagation (BLSTM-BP) neural network. The two models were compared with the gated recurrent unit (GRU), long short-term memory (LSTM), bidirectional gated recurrent unit (BGRU), and bidirectional long short-term memory (BLSTM) models. The research methods were applied to simulate runoff in the Yanglou hydrological station, Northern Anhui Province, China. The results show that the bidirectional models were superior to the unidirectional model, and the backpropagation (BP) based bidirectional models were superior to the bidirectional models. The bidirectional propagation was conducive to improving the generalization ability of the model, and BP neural network could better guide the model to find the optimal nonlinear relationship. The results also show that the BGRU-BP model performs equally well as the BLSTM-BP model. The BGRU-BP model has few parameters and a short training time, so it may be the preferred method for short-term runoff forecasting.
机译:摘要 径流预报是防汛减灾的重要非工程措施之一。径流预报的准确可靠主要取决于科学技术的发展,近年来提出了许多机器学习模型用于径流预报。考虑逐时降雨量和径流量数据的非线性和实时性。本研究提出了两种径流预报模型,分别是双向门控循环单元和反向传播(BGRU-BP)神经网络和双向长短期记忆与反向传播(BLSTM-BP)神经网络的组合。将两种模型与门控循环单元(GRU)、长短期记忆(LSTM)、双向门控循环单元(BGRU)和双向长短期记忆(BLSTM)模型进行比较。将研究方法应用于皖北杨楼水文站径流模拟。结果表明,双向模型优于单向模型,基于反向传播(BP)的双向模型优于双向模型。双向传播有利于提高模型的泛化能力,BP神经网络能更好地引导模型找到最优非线性关系。结果还表明,BGRU-BP模型与BLSTM-BP模型的性能相当。BGRU-BP模型参数少,训练时间短,可能是短期径流预报的首选方法。




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