首页> 外文期刊>Journal of physical oceanography >Generation of Linear and Nonlinear Internal Waves Forced by Subinertial Tides over the Yermak Plateau, Arctic Ocean

Generation of Linear and Nonlinear Internal Waves Forced by Subinertial Tides over the Yermak Plateau, Arctic Ocean


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The propagation of internal waves (IWs) of tidal frequency is inhibited poleward of the critical latitude, where the tidal frequency is equal to the Coriolis frequency (f). These subinertial IWs may propagate in the presence of background vorticity, which can reduce rotational effects. Additionally, for strong tidal currents, the isopycnal displacements may evolve into internal solitary waves (ISWs). In this study, wave generation by the subinertial K_1 and M_2 tides over the Yermak Plateau (YP) is modeled to understand the linear response and the conditions necessary for the generation of ISWs. The YP stretches out into Fram Strait, a gateway into the Arctic Ocean for warm Atlantic-origin waters. We consider the K_1 tide for a wide range of tidal amplitudes to understand the IW generation for different forcing. For weak tidal currents, the baroclinic response is predominantly at the second harmonic due to critical slopes. For sufficiently strong diurnal currents, ISWs are generated and their generation is not sensitive to the range of f and stratifications considered. The M_2 tide is subinertial yet the response shows propagating IW beams with frequency just over f. We discuss the propagation of these waves and the influence of variations of f, as a proxy for variations in the background vorticity, on the energy conversion to IWs. An improved understanding of tidal dynamics and IW generation at high latitudes is needed to quantify the magnitude and distribution of turbulent mixing, and its consequences for the changes in ocean circulation, heat content, and sea ice cover in the Arctic Ocean.
机译:潮汐频率的内波(IWs)在临界纬度的两极方向传播受到抑制,其中潮汐频率等于科里奥利频率(f)。这些亚惯性IW可以在存在背景涡度的情况下传播,这可以减少旋转效应。此外,对于强潮汐流,等比位移可能演变为内部孤波(ISW)。本研究模拟了叶尔马克高原(YP)上空的亚惯性K_1和M_2潮汐产生的波浪,以了解ISW产生的线性响应和必要条件。YP延伸到弗拉姆海峡,这是通往北冰洋的门户,是温暖的大西洋起源水域。我们考虑了大范围潮汐幅度的K_1潮,以了解不同强迫下的IW生成。对于弱潮汐流,由于临界斜率,气压响应主要在二次谐波处。对于足够强的昼夜洋流,会产生 ISW,并且它们的产生对所考虑的 f 和分层范围不敏感。M_2潮汐是亚惯性的,但响应显示传播的IW波束的频率刚好超过f。我们讨论了这些波的传播以及f的变化(作为背景涡度变化的代表)对IW能量转换的影响。需要更好地了解高纬度地区的潮汐动力学和IW生成,以量化湍流混合的幅度和分布,及其对北冰洋海洋环流、热含量和海冰覆盖变化的影响。




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