首页> 外文期刊>Applied and Environmental Microbiology >Spatiotemporal Distribution of the Environmental Microbio a in Food Processing Plants as Impacted by Cleaning and Sanitizing Procedures: the Case of Slaughterhouses and Gaseous Ozone

Spatiotemporal Distribution of the Environmental Microbio a in Food Processing Plants as Impacted by Cleaning and Sanitizing Procedures: the Case of Slaughterhouses and Gaseous Ozone


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Microbial complexity and contamination levels in food processing plants heavily impact the final product fate and are mainly controlled by proper environmental cleaning and sanitizing. Among the emerging disinfection technologies, ozonation is considered an effective strategy to improve the ordinary cleaning and sanitizing of slaughterhouses. However, its effects on contamination levels and environmental microbiota still need to be understood. For this purpose, we monitored the changes in microbiota composition in different slaughterhouse environments during the phases of cleaning/sanitizing and ozonation at 40, 20, or 4 ppm. Overall, the meat processing plant microbiota differed significantly between secondary processing rooms and deboning rooms, with a greater presence of psychrotrophic taxa in secondary processing rooms because of their lower temperatures. Cleaning/sanitizing procedures significantly reduced the contamination levels and in parallel increased the number of detectable operational taxonomic units (OTUs), by removing the masking effect of the most abundant human/animal-derived OTUs, which belonged to the phylum Firmicutes. Subsequently, ozonation at 40 or 20 ppm effectively decreased the remaining viable bacterial populations. However, we could observe selective ozone-mediated inactivation of psychrotrophic bacteria only in the secondary processing rooms. There, the Brochothrix and Pseudomonas abundances and their viable counts were significantly affected by 40 or 20 ppm of ozone, while more ubiquitous genera like Staphylococcus showed a remarkable resistance to the same treatments. This study showed the effectiveness of highly concentrated gaseous ozone as an adjunct sanitizing method that can minimize cross-contamination and so extend the meat shelf life.
机译:食品加工厂中的微生物复杂性和污染水平严重影响最终产品的命运,主要通过适当的环境清洁和消毒来控制。在新兴的消毒技术中,臭氧化被认为是改善屠宰场日常清洁和消毒的有效策略。然而,它仍然需要了解其对污染水平和环境微生物群的影响。为此,我们在 40、20 或 4 ppm 的清洁/消毒和臭氧化阶段监测了不同屠宰场环境中微生物群组成的变化。总体而言,肉类加工厂的微生物群在二级加工室和剔骨室之间存在显着差异,二级加工室中的含冷营养类群由于温度较低而存在更多。清洁/消毒程序通过消除属于厚壁菌门的最丰富的人类/动物来源的 OTU 的掩蔽效应,显着降低了污染水平,同时增加了可检测的操作分类单元 (OTU) 的数量。随后,40或20 ppm的臭氧化有效地减少了剩余的活细菌种群。然而,我们只能在二级加工室中观察到臭氧介导的嗜冷细菌的选择性灭活。在那里,Brochothrix和Pseudomonas的丰度及其活菌计数受到40或20 ppm臭氧的显着影响,而葡萄球菌等更普遍的属对相同的处理表现出显着的抵抗力。这项研究表明,高浓度气态臭氧作为一种辅助消毒方法的有效性,可以最大限度地减少交叉污染,从而延长肉类的保质期。




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