首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Applied Ecology >Estimating abundance of fish associated with structured habitats by combining acoustics and optics

Estimating abundance of fish associated with structured habitats by combining acoustics and optics


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Abstract The diversity and abundance of fish inhabiting complex reef habitats poses some challenges to surveys based on optical techniques, especially for schooling fish which are difficult to enumerate with such methods. Acoustic surveys are often used effectively to estimate the abundance and distribution of schooling fish but suffer from boundary effects and limited species discrimination. To reconcile these drawbacks, we present an integrated acoustic–optical survey method, to estimate the abundance of fishes in a subtropical reef habitat in Shark Bay, Western Australia, exploiting the unique benefits of each method. Acoustic backscatter attributed to multi‐species groups was partitioned to species with the help of concurrent unbaited remote underwater video. This allowed estimation of the abundance of the important fishery sparid, Chrysophrys auratus, as well as 17 other members of the diverse fish community. The study addresses some of the challenges of assessing abundance of fish species that may be aggregated, but sparsely distributed, associated with a structured habitat, and mixed within a diverse assemblage of other aggregating or solitary fishes in an area where direct capture fisheries survey gears cannot be used. Synthesis and applications. The acoustic–optical survey method provides data that are vital for the assessment of fish species in ecosystems which are difficult, or impossible for certain species, to survey with existing methods. These assessments are, in turn, essential for either ecosystem‐based fishery management or multiple single‐species quota management, which allow for the sustainable management of the associated fisheries.
机译:摘要 栖息在复杂珊瑚礁生境的鱼类多样性和丰度对基于光学技术的调查提出了一些挑战,特别是对于难以用光学方法进行计数的鱼群。声学调查通常被有效地用于估计成群结队的鱼类的丰度和分布,但受到边界效应和有限的物种区分的影响。为了弥补这些缺点,我们提出了一种综合的声光调查方法,以估计西澳大利亚鲨鱼湾亚热带珊瑚礁栖息地的鱼类丰度,并利用每种方法的独特优势。归因于多物种群体的声反向散射在并发无诱饵远程水下视频的帮助下被划分为物种。这样可以估计重要的渔业鲈鱼 Chrysophrys auratus 以及不同鱼类群落的其他 17 个成员的丰度。该研究解决了评估鱼类丰度的一些挑战,这些鱼类物种可能聚集在一起,但分布稀疏,与结构化的栖息地有关,并且混杂在其他聚集或孤独鱼类的不同组合中,在无法使用直接捕获渔业调查设备的区域。合成与应用.声光调查方法提供的数据对于评估生态系统中的鱼类物种至关重要,而这些物种很难或不可能用现有方法进行调查。反过来,这些评估对于基于生态系统的渔业管理或多物种配额管理至关重要,从而可以对相关渔业进行可持续管理。




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