首页> 外文期刊>Obstetrical and gynecological survey >Position and Integrity of Uterine Scar Are Determined by Degree of Cervical Dilatation at Time of Cesarean Section

Position and Integrity of Uterine Scar Are Determined by Degree of Cervical Dilatation at Time of Cesarean Section


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Abnormally invasive placenta (AIP) is a rare and sometimes fatal condition during pregnancy. Abnormally invasive placenta usually is caused by placental implantation over a uterine scar from a previous uterine surgery, most commonly a cesarean section (CS). Abnormally invasive placenta has a maternalmortality rate as high as 5 when undiagnosed. The greatest risk factors for AIP are placenta previa and cesarean delivery in a prior pregnancy. The primary objective of this study was to determine the location of the CS scar in postpartum women who delivered by prelabor or early-labor CS or by intrapartum CS. The secondary objective was to assess the existence of a scar niche in these patients.
机译:异常侵入性胎盘 (AIP) 是怀孕期间一种罕见且有时致命的疾病。异常侵袭性胎盘通常是由胎盘植入先前子宫手术(最常见的是剖宫产 (CS))的子宫疤痕引起的。异常侵袭性胎盘在未确诊时的孕产妇死亡率高达 5%。AIP 的最大危险因素是前置胎盘和既往妊娠中的剖宫产。本研究的主要目的是确定通过产前或早产 CS 或产时 CS 分娩的产后妇女 CS 瘢痕的位置。次要目的是评估这些患者是否存在疤痕生态位。




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