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Development of a national strategy with recommendations for the care of seriously ill and dying people and their relatives in pandemics: A modified Delphi study


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Background: The SARS-CoV-2 pandemic is a constant challenge for health care systems, also in Germany. Care of seriously ill and dying people and their relatives is often neglected and suffering increased due to sub-optimal symptom management, visiting restrictions and lonely dying. The project “Palliative Care in Pandemics (PallPan)” intended to develop a national strategy including evidence- and consensus-based recommendations for the care of seriously ill and dying people and their relatives during pandemic times in Germany. Aim: To reach consensus on evidence-based recommendations for the care of seriously ill and dying people and their relatives in pandemics. Methods: Three-step consensus process comprising two online Delphi rounds and an expert workshop conducted from April to June 2021. One hundred twenty experts from various areas of healthcare, administration, and politics in Germany were included. Results: During the consensus-process, pre-formulated evidence-based recommendations were refined step-by-step. This resulted in consensus on 33 recommendations on the topics of “supporting patients and their relatives,” “supporting staff,” and “supporting and maintaining structures and provision of palliative care.” The recommendations address professional carers and various responsibilities on a governmental, federal state and municipal level, and in healthcare facilities. Conclusion: We provide evidence and consensus-based recommendations for the care of seriously ill and dying people and their relatives in pandemics in Germany. This is an important step towards a pandemic preparedness and hopefully improves the future palliative care response to pandemics.
机译:背景:SARS-CoV-2 大流行对德国的医疗保健系统来说是一个持续的挑战。对重病和临终患者及其亲属的护理往往被忽视,并且由于症状管理欠佳、探视限制和孤独死亡而增加痛苦。“大流行病中的姑息治疗”项目(PallPan)旨在制定一项国家战略,包括基于证据和共识的建议,用于在德国大流行期间护理重病和垂死的人及其亲属。目的:就大流行中重病和垂死患者及其亲属的护理循证建议达成共识。方法:三步共识过程,包括 2021 年 4 月至 6 月进行的两轮在线 Delphi 和一次专家研讨会。来自德国医疗保健、行政和政治各个领域的 120 名专家参加了会议。结果:在共识过程中,逐步完善了预先制定的循证建议。这导致就“支持患者及其亲属”、“支持工作人员”和“支持和维护姑息治疗的结构和提供”等主题达成了 33 项建议的共识。这些建议涉及政府、联邦、州和市级以及医疗机构的专业护理人员和各种责任。结论:我们为德国大流行病中重病和垂死患者及其亲属的护理提供了证据和基于共识的建议。这是朝着大流行防范迈出的重要一步,并有望改善未来对大流行的姑息治疗反应。




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