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Rising Like a Phoenix from the Ashes: Fire-Proof Magnetically Retrievable Supraparticles with an Optical Fingerprint for Postmortem Identification of Products


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Counterfeit electronic products not only cause financial losses but also comewith safety risks. The worst-case failure scenario certainly is a fire event.Since manufacturers are liable for damages and suffer image loss, fire-proofpostmortem taggants are needed, enabling differentiation between originalsand counterfeits even after a fire incident. This work presents such taggants:optomagnetic supraparticles (SPs), i.e., complex microscale particlescomposed of luminescent and magnetic nanoparticles (NPs) are generated.Their hybrid nature is pivotal, as magnetic separation can effectively removethe tags from light-absorbing fire debris, and a fire-proof identification (ID)fingerprint is based on ratiometric luminescence signals. To achieve thermallystable magnets, iron oxide (IO) NPs are wet-chemically coated witha SiO_2-3-aminopropyltriethoxysilane (APTES) shell. Subsequently, thesemagnetic NPs are assembled with luminescent nanophosphors (lanthanidedopedcalcium phosphate NPs with a SiO_2-core) and SiO_2-APTES spacer NPsby spray-drying to form hybrid SPs. The careful choice of type and ratios ofthe NPs and process parameters make it possible to achieve and preciselytune the desired functionality of the resulting fire-proof taggants. A proof-ofconceptis demonstrated, in which the taggants are incorporated as additivesinto coatings and subjected to real fire simulations.
机译:假冒电子产品不仅会造成经济损失,还会带来安全隐患。最坏的故障情况当然是火灾事件。由于制造商要对损坏和图像损失负责,因此需要防火的事后标记剂,即使在发生火灾事故后也能区分正品和赝品。这项工作提出了这样的标记物:光磁超粒子(SPs),即由发光和磁性纳米粒子(NPs)组成的复杂微尺度粒子。它们的混合性质至关重要,因为磁分离可以有效地从吸光的火灾碎片中去除标签,并且防火识别 (ID) 指纹基于比例发光信号。为了实现热稳定的磁体,氧化铁 (IO) NP 在湿化学涂层上涂有 SiO_2-3-氨丙基三乙氧基硅烷 (APTES) 外壳。随后,通过喷雾干燥将这些磁性NP与发光纳米荧光粉(具有SiO_2芯的镧系磷酸钙NP)和SiO_2-APTES间隔NPs组装在一起,形成混合SPs。通过仔细选择NP和工艺参数的类型和比例,可以实现并精确调整所得到的防火标记剂的所需功能。演示了概念验证,其中标记剂作为添加剂掺入涂料中,并进行真实的火灾模拟。




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