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Eating Disorders: The Journal of Treatment and Prevention 2021 Year in Review Statement from the Editors

机译:Eating Disorders: The Journal of Treatment and Prevention 2021 Year in Review Statement from the Editors

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In the year 2021, we continued our work during the ongoing global pandemic, within the context of the important struggle for racial and social justice and equity, and despite levels of uncertainty that we have not known for many decades. We are deeply grateful for and inspired by the contributions of our editorial board and the high quality scholarship submitted by our authors despite the challenges. Due to the commitment to our journal from our team of editors, staff, and authors, we continue to make progress toward our goals: 1) strengthening the academic rigor of the journal's review process and articles, 2) increasing practical applicability of the journal content (i.e., prioritizing prevention and treatment interventions for publication), and 3) promoting widespread dissemination of content. Although in many ways this has been a wearying year, we are pleased to describe the ways the journal has thrived and grown.




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