

机译:H.W.德波尔 3

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Cont: June 22, 1960: Cole has received two letters from de Boer, and is delighted that the maps (produced by the Caltex petrol company) will be of use to de Boer. I also have been trying to identify the Nananthus sp. from Rosemarie farm by referenceto Jacobsen’s new set of volumes, A Handbook of Succulent Plants, and other books that I have here, but without success. My knowledge of the Nananthus genus is very slight however. This species at first sight resembles Jacobsen’s photograph (vol. Ill,pg: 1306) of N.vittatus, but the leaves are shorter, and the flowers are very short-stalked, whereas in N.vittatus the pedicels are stated to be 2-3cm. long. 1 think some of the plants that I sent you had buds on them - my plants are flowering daily, thecommon Nananthus type of flower, yellow (often brownish pink) with a red central stripe. I should be very interested to hear what your conclusions are when you have had more time to study this little plant 1 could let you have a few more specimens if you need them (I think I sent you six) and also colour photos of the flowers.
机译:续:1960 年 6 月 22 日:科尔收到了德波尔的两封信,他很高兴这些地图(由加德士汽油公司制作)将对德波尔有用。我也一直试图通过参考雅各布森的新书《多肉植物手册》和我这里有的其他书籍来识别罗斯玛丽农场的南楠属植物,但没有成功。然而,我对Nananthus属的了解非常少。乍一看,该物种与雅各布森(Jacobsen)拍摄的N.vittatus照片(vol.Ill,pg:1306)相似,但叶子较短,花柄很短,而在N.vittatus中,花梗据说为2-3厘米。长。1 想想我送给你的一些植物上面有花蕾——我的植物每天都在开花,常见的南花类型,黄色(通常是棕粉色),中央有红色条纹。我应该很有兴趣听听你的结论是什么,当你有更多时间研究这种小植物时,如果你需要的话,1可以让你有更多的标本(我想我给你发了六个),还有花朵的彩色照片。




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