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Impact of Human Resource Management on Employee Performance Through Employee Satisfaction


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This research started with the intention of finding out how HRM can improve employee performance while employee satisfaction plays a mediating role. In order to identify the same a total of 5 hypotheses were developed that are mentioned below. H0: Training and development given by HRM ensures employee satisfaction and employee performance; H1: Performance appraisal by HRM ensures employee satisfaction and employee performance; H2: Compensation and benefits by HRM ensures employee satisfaction and employee performance; H3: Work-life balance by HRM ensures employee satisfaction and employee performance; H4: Career planning by HRM ensures employee satisfaction and employee performance; H5: Positive and friendly workplace culture ensures employee satisfaction and employee performance. Every independent variable within these hypotheses is activities that are performed by the HRM department of an organization. By linking these variables with Maslow's hierarchy of needs it is identified how these variables are triggering employee satisfaction. Then from existing literature, it is concluded that these factors by triggering employee satisfaction are ensuring better employee performance in an organization.
机译:这项研究旨在找出人力资源管理如何在员工满意度起中介作用的同时提高员工绩效。为了确定这一点,总共提出了 5 个假设,如下所述。H0:人力资源管理提供的培训和发展确保员工满意度和员工绩效;H1:人力资源管理部门绩效考核,确保员工满意度和员工绩效;H2:人力资源管理的薪酬和福利确保员工满意度和员工绩效;H3:人力资源管理的工作与生活平衡确保员工满意度和员工绩效;H4:人力资源管理的职业规划确保员工满意度和员工绩效;H5:积极友善的职场文化,确保员工满意度和员工绩效。这些假设中的每个自变量都是由组织的人力资源管理部门执行的活动。通过将这些变量与马斯洛的需求层次联系起来,可以确定这些变量是如何触发员工满意度的。然后从现有文献中得出结论,这些因素通过触发员工满意度来确保组织中更好的员工绩效。




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