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Supply caution falls to stop wheat price drop


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Despite some mixed crop news, wheat has been the weakest link in the global grain and feed complex in the final quarter of 2022. A renewed price descent in the past month largely reflected Russia signing up to the UN-sponsored deal to let Ukraine’s blocked grain exports out by traditional ocean routes. That the deal actually went ahead - and grain again flowed in decent quantities from the world’s frequent fifth or sixth largest exporter - appeared to surpris, more than a few onlookers, given the unpredictable way hostilities progressed since the spring and Russia’s perceived interest in keeping the Ukrainian competition down (probably one explanation for Russian delays to inspections of Ukrainian vessels agreed under the deal).Despite that, on current pointers, Ukraine is now expected to complete exports of around 11 million tonnes of wheat and 15.5 million tonnes of corn. That’s still well down on the last season’s 18.84 million and 27 million tonnes respectively, but a lotbetter than many hoped a few months ago. If these forecasts are correct, it still means Ukraine will end the 2022/2023 season with much larger than usual stocks, especially of com, which will help supplement its expected smaller 2023 production (which could be down 40 percent according to some observers).
机译:尽管作物涨跌互现,但小麦在2022年第四季度一直是全球谷物和饲料综合体中最薄弱的环节。过去一个月价格再次下跌,很大程度上反映了俄罗斯签署了联合国发起的协议,允许乌克兰通过传统海路出口受阻的粮食出口。鉴于自春季以来敌对行动的进展方式不可预测,以及俄罗斯被认为有兴趣压制乌克兰的竞争(这可能是俄罗斯推迟根据协议对乌克兰船只进行检查的一个解释),这笔交易实际上继续进行了——而且粮食再次从世界第五或第六大出口国大量流出——似乎让不少旁观者感到惊讶。尽管如此,根据目前的指标,乌克兰现在预计将完成约1100万吨小麦和1550万吨玉米的出口。这仍然远低于上一季的1884万吨和2700万吨,但比几个月前许多人的预期要好得多。如果这些预测是正确的,这仍然意味着乌克兰将在 2022/2023 年度结束时以比平时大得多的库存,尤其是 com,这将有助于补充其预期的 2023 年产量下降(根据一些观察家的说法,产量可能会下降 40%)。




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