首页> 外文期刊>Computational intelligence and neuroscience >Construction of Community Life Service in the Sharing Economy Based on Deep Neural Network

Construction of Community Life Service in the Sharing Economy Based on Deep Neural Network


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Currently, the development of sharing economy and interconnection also has a profound impact on community life services. This study is based on the deep neural network theory, combined with the evolution mechanism of the commercial network of the community life service industry, link prediction theory, and the latest deep neural network algorithm, referring to the evolution model of merger and stripping, and the network structure is optimized on this basis. Through simulation experiments and result analysis, the model is used to deeply study the evolution trend and dynamics of the community life service business network from the perspective of quantitative analysis. Then the business network structure is optimized and development is promoted at the same time. At the same time, it can also upgrade those old scattered industries and provide theoretical and decision-making guidance for the future transformation and upgrading of the innovative community life service industry.




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