首页> 外文期刊>Applied and Environmental Microbiology >Genetic Stability and Evolution of the sigB Allele, Used for Listeria Sensu Stricto Subtyping and Phylogenetic Inference

Genetic Stability and Evolution of the sigB Allele, Used for Listeria Sensu Stricto Subtyping and Phylogenetic Inference


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Sequencing of single genes remains an important tool that allows the rapid classification of bacteria. Sequencing of a portion of sigB, which encodes a stress-responsive alternative sigma factor, has emerged as a commonly used molecular tool for the initial characterization of diverse Listeria isolates. In this study, evolutionary approaches were used to assess the validity of sigB allelic typing for Listeria. For a data set of 4,280 isolates, sigB allelic typing showed a Simpson's index of diversity of 0.96. Analyses of 164 sigB allelic types (ATs) found among the 6 Listeria sensu stricto species, representing these 4,280 isolates, indicate that neither frequent homologous recombination nor positive selection significantly contributed to the evolution of sigB, confirming its genetic stability. The molecular clock test provided evidence for unequal evolution rates across clades; Listeria welshimeri displayed the lowest sigB diversity and was the only species in which sigB evolved in a clocklike manner, implying a unique natural history. Among the four L. monocytogenes lineages, sigB evolution followed a molecular clock only in lineage IV. Moreover, sigB displayed a significant negative Tajima D value in lineage II, suggesting a recent population bottleneck followed by lineage expansion. The absence of positive selection along with the violation of the molecular clock suggested a nearly neutral mechanism of Listeria sensu stricto sigB evolution. While comparison with a whole-genome sequence-based phylogeny revealed that the sigB phylogeny did not correctly reflect the ancestry of L. monocytogenes lineage IV, the availability of a large sigB AT database allowed accurate species classification.
机译:单基因测序仍然是快速分类细菌的重要工具。对编码应激响应性替代 sigma 因子的 sigB 的一部分进行测序已成为对各种李斯特菌分离株进行初步表征的常用分子工具。在这项研究中,使用进化方法评估 sigB 等位基因分型对李斯特菌的有效性。对于包含 4,280 个分离株的数据集,sigB 等位基因分型显示 Simpson's 多样性指数为 0.96。对代表这 4,280 个分离株的 6 个狭义李斯特菌物种中发现的 164 种 sigB 等位基因类型 (AT) 的分析表明,频繁的同源重组和阳性选择都没有显着促进 sigB 的进化,证实了其遗传稳定性。分子钟测试为各分支之间的进化速率不均提供了证据;李斯特菌(Listeria welshimeri)的sigB多样性最低,是唯一sigB以时钟状方式进化的物种,这意味着独特的自然历史。在四个单核细胞增生李斯特菌谱系中,sigB的进化仅在谱系IV中遵循分子钟。此外,sigB在谱系II中显示出显著的负Tajima D值,表明近期存在种群瓶颈,随后是谱系扩展。正选择的缺失以及分子钟的违反表明了严格意义上的李斯特菌 sigB 进化的近乎中性的机制。虽然与基于全基因组序列的系统发育的比较表明,sigB系统发育不能正确反映单核细胞增生李斯特菌谱系IV的祖先,但大型sigB AT数据库的可用性允许准确的物种分类。




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