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3-Alkyldiaziridines and 1,3-dialkyldiaziridines from aliphatic aldoxime-O-sulfonic acid salts




Mendeleev Communications Electronic Version, Issue 2. 1997 (pp. 47ndash;86) 3-Alkyldiaziridines and 1,3-dialkyldiaziridines from aliphatic aldoxime-O-sulfonic acid salts Anatolii N. Mikhailyuk, Vera Yu. Petukhova and Nina N. Makhova* N. D. Zelinsky Institute of Organic Chemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences, 117913 Moscow, Russian Federation. Fax: +7 095 135 5328 It was shown for the first time that aliphatic aldoxime-O-sulfonic acids can be stabilised as ammonium or alkylammonium salts and can be used in diaziridinium synthesis with primary aliphatic amines or ammonia to give 1,3-dialkyldiaziridines and 3-alkyldiaziridines, respectively; the latter compounds have not been previously easily accessible. Among the alkyl derivatives of diaziridine, 3-alkyldiaziridines 1 are the least accessible.This is mainly due to their clear-cut tendency to undergo condensation with the starting aldehydes and with ammonia under the conditions used in their synthesis (from aliphatic aldehydes, ammonia and N-chloramine) to give 2,4,6-trialkyl-1,3,5-triazabicyclo3.1.0hexane 2.1 Mild selective acid hydrolysis of the triazolidine ring in 2 in the presence of chloral hydrate yields the chloral hydrate derivatives 3 (R = Pr, But).2andash;c Upon alkaline decomposition of 3 (R = Me, Pr, But) in the presence of benzoyl chloride, corresponding 1,2-dibenzoyl derivatives 4 were isolated.2a,c The only reported synthesis of 3- alkyldiaziridines, viz. 3-propyldiaziridine, was described in a German patent.2d This compound was prepared in 6 yield by the reaction of butyric aldehyde with ammonia and chloramine in aqueous methanol at 60 deg;C.However, the only characteristic reported for this compound was its boiling point. These literature data are presented in Scheme 1. Other known methods for the synthesis of 1,2-unsubstituted diaziridines treatment of oxime-O-sulfonic acids3 or their esters4ndash;6 with ammonia or treatment of carbonyl compounds with ammonia and hydroxylamine-O-sulfonic acid7 (HASA) are considered to be unsuitable for the preparation of 3-alkyldiaziridines, because aldoxime-O-sulfonic acids 5 and aldoxime esters decompose immediately after formation giving nitriles and the corresponding acids.The formation and decomposition of aldoxime-O-sulfonic acids 5 were also observed in the reaction described in ref. 7. In the present study, we have found conditions for the stabilisation of aldoxime-O-sulfonic acids 5. This allowed us to propose a new method for the synthesis of 3-alkyldiaziridines 1, which makes these compounds fairly accessible. Our search for the stabilisation conditions for 5 was based on the known data on the stability of HASA salts,8 which decreases in the base sequence: Et3N Py NH3 NH2NH2 KOH.We found that triethylammonium salts of aliphatic aldoxime-O-sulfonic acids 6a can be stored at 20 deg;C in a vacuum desiccator over alkali. Salts derived from primary aliphatic amines 6b are also fairly stable. However, the ammonium salts 6c proved to be stable only in a saturated aqueous solution of NH3 (40) at a reduced temperature.In 25 aqueous ammonia compounds 5 decomposed. Salts 6 were synthesised by the reaction of the corresponding amines (or NH3) with 5 in the cold. The latter, in turn, were prepared from aliphatic aldehydes and HASA in water (or in aqueous methanol) at a reduced temperature. To obtain 6c, an aqueous solution of NH3 was saturated with gaseous NH3 with cooling, and then a freshly prepared cooled solution of 5 was added to it dropwise with stirring. 3-Alkyldiaziridines 1dagger;,Dagger; (Table 1) were synthesised at a reduced temperature by passing a flow of gaseous ammonia through the reaction mixture throughout the reaction. 1,3-Dialkyldiaziridines 7 were prepared by the interaction of dagger; Preparation of 3-alkyldiaziridines 1 (general procedure): HASA (0.5mol) was added at ndash;10 to ndash;5 deg;C to a solution of aldehyde (0.5 mol) in water (60ml) (in the case of butyric aldehyde, in 45 ml of water+ 15ml of MeOH), and the mixture was stirred for 15ndash;20min until it no longer reacted with an acidified solution of KI.Then the solution of aldoxime-O-sulfonic acid 5 thus obtained was added dropwise at ndash;20 to ndash;18deg;C to an aqueous solution of ammonia (300g, 47). The reaction mixture was stirred for 8ndash;10 h at 0ndash;2 deg;C with a moderate flow of ammonia being passed through.The mixture was then allowed to stand overnight at 0 deg;C and stirred for 10h at 18ndash;20deg;C under a flow of ammonia. The aqueous diaziridine solution was distilled off using a rotary evaporator into a vessel cooled with dry ice, and the product was distilled three times from solid alkali.For all the compounds 1 synthesised, satisfactory elemental analysis data were obtained. Preparation of 1,3-dialkyldiaziridines 7 (general procedure): A 50 aqueous solution containing a two-fold molar excess of the corresponding primary aliphatic amine was added dropwise to a solution of aldoxime-O-sulfonic acid 5 obtained by the above procedure. The mixture was stirred for 7h at 15ndash;20deg;C and then the product extracted with CH2Cl2.The extract was dried with K2CO3, the solvent evaporated and the residue distilled in vacuo. Dagger; Selected spectroscopic data for 3-alkyldiaziridines. For 1a: 1H NMR (d, ppm, CDCl3): 1.26 (d, 3H, CH3), 2.19 (br. s, 2H, NH), 3.03 (q, 1H, CH); (CH2Cl2): 1.26 (d, 3H, CH3), 1.83 (br. s, 1H, NH), 2.51 (br.s, 1H, NH), 3.02 (q, 1H, CH).For 1b: 1H NMR (d, ppm, CDCl3): 0.94 (t, 3H, CH3), 1.37 (dq, 2H, CH2), 2.17 (br. s, 2H, NH), 2.91 (t, 1H, CH). For1c: 1H NMR (d, ppm, CDCl3): 0.94 (t, 3H, CH3), 1.43 (m, 4H, CH2CH2), 1.72 (br.s, 1H, NH), 2.34 (br.s, 1H, NH), 2.92 (t, 1H, CH). RCHO N N N R R R NH3, NH2Cl RCHO, NH3 NH NH R NH NCH(OH)CCl3 R NaOH PhCOCl NCOPh NCOPh R Cl3CCHOmiddot;H2O/H+ 1 2 3 4 Scheme 1 R=Me, Pr, But RCHO + NH2OSO3H RCH=NOSO3H RCH=NOSO3 ndash; B+ i ii (or iii) NH NH R NR1 NH R iv v 1andash;c 5 6 7andash;c 6a B = Et3NH (ii) 6c B = NH4 (iii) + + + Scheme 2 Reagents and conditions: i, H2O or H2Ondash;MeOH (4 : 1), ndash;10 to ndash;5 deg;C, 15ndash;20 min; ii, Et3N (R1NH2), H2O, ndash;20 to ndash;15deg;C; iii, 47 NH3, H2O, ndash;20 to ndash;18deg;C; iv, ca. 40 NH3, H2O (or H2Ondash;MeOH), 0ndash;2deg;C, 8ndash;10 h, then 18ndash;20deg;C, 10 h; v, R1NH2, H2O (or H2Ondash;MeOH), 15ndash;20deg;C, 7 h. 6b B=R'NH3 (ii) 1a R=Me 1b R=Et 1c R = Pr 7a R=Me, R1 = CH2CHMe2 7b R = Et, R1 =Bu 7c R=Pr, R1 =CH2Ph H2NMendeleev Communications Electronic Version, Issue 2. 1997 (pp. 47ndash;86) primary aliphatic amines with either triethylammonium salts 6a, obtained beforehand, or with salts 6b, prepared by the reaction of 5 with an excess of the same amine, which was used in this reaction (Scheme 2).The yields of 3-alkyldiaziridines 1 were 22ndash;32. The yields of 7 were somewhat higher and comparable with those previously reported in the literature9ndash;11 (Table 1). This work was supported by the INTAS grant no. 94-2839. References 1 E. Schmitz, Chem. Ber., 1962, 95, 688. 2 (a) E. Schmitz and D. Habisch, Rev. Chim. Acad. Rep. Populaire Roumaine, 1962, 7, 1281 (Chem.Abstr., 1964, 61, 4331); (b) H. W. Heine, R. Henrie, II, L. Heitz and S. R. Kovvali, J. Org. Chem., 1974, 39, 3187; (c) E. Schmitz, D. Habisch and C. Grundemann, Chem. Ber., 1967, 100, 142; (d) S. R. Paulsen, Ger. Pat., 1126395, 1962 (Chem. Abstr., 1962, 57, 9875g). 3 E. Schmitz, Trekhchlennye tsikly s dvumya geteroatomami (Three- Membered Rings with Two Heteroatoms), Mir, Moscow, 1970, pp.123, 150 (in Russian). 4 Yu. V. Zeifman, E. G. Abduganiev, E. M. Rokhlin and I. L. Knunyanz, Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR, Ser. Khim., 1972, 2737 (Bull. Acad. Sci. USSR, Div. Chem. Sci., 1972, 21, 2667). 5 R. G. Kostyanovskii, G. V. Shustov and V. I. Markov, Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR, Ser. Khim., 1974, 2823 (Bull. Acad. Sci. USSR, Div. Chem. Sci., 1974, 23, 2725). 6 A. N. Mikhailyuk, N. N.Makhova, A. E. Bova, L. I. Khmelrsquo;nitskii and S. S. Novikov, Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR, Ser. Khim., 1978, 1566 (Bull. Acad. Sci. USSR, Div. Chem. Sci., 1978, 27, 1367). 7 (a) H. J. Abendroth, Angew. Chem., 1961, 73, 67; (b) E. Schmitz, C. Horig and C. Grundemann, Chem. Ber., 1967, 100, 2101. 8 R. N. Keller and P. A. S. Smith, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 1964, 68, 899. 9 A. A. Dudinskaya, A. E.Bova, L. I. Khmel'nitskii and S. S. Novikov, Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR, Ser. Khim., 1971, 1523 (Bull. Acad. Sci. USSR, Div. Chem. Sci., 1971, 20, 1419). 10 C. Szantay, F. Chmielewicz and T. J. Bardos, J. Med. Chem., 1967, 10, 101. 11 E. Schmitz and D. Habisch, Chem. Ber., 1962, 95, 680. a The IR spectra of all compounds 1 and 7 contained nNH =3220cmndash;1. Table 1 Yields and some physicochemical characteristics of 3-alkyldiaziridines 1 and 1,3-dialkyldiaziridines 7 and their derivatives.a Compound Yield () Bp/deg;C(Torr) (Mp/deg;C) nD 20 Derivative 1a 22 105ndash;107(760) (24.5ndash;25.5) ndash; 1,2-Dibenzoyl 4a, mp 106ndash;108 deg;C (lit.,2c 108ndash;109deg;C) 1b 32 60ndash;61(55) 1.4445 ndash; 1c 22.1 47ndash;49(30) (12.5ndash;14) lit.,2d 45ndash;48(30) 1.4478 Chloralhydrate 3c, mp 116ndash;118deg;C (MeOH) (lit.,2c 116ndash;118 deg;C) 7a 44.0 42ndash;45(20) lit.,9 43ndash;45(20) 1.4260 ndash; 7b 34.0 50ndash;51(31) ndash; Oxalate, mp 108 deg;C (decomp.) (lit.,10 108 deg;C, decomp.) 7c 32.2 106ndash;112(1) (11ndash;13) lit.,11 100ndash;103(0.6) (12ndash;13) ndash; ndash; Received: Moscow, 12th November 1996 Cambridge, 12th December 1996; Com. 6/07747A
机译:门捷列夫通讯电子版,第 2 期。1997 年(第 47-86 页)来自脂肪族醛肟-O-磺酸盐的 3-烷基二氮杂环吖啶和 1,3-二烷基二氮杂啶 Anatolii N. Mikhailyuk, Vera Yu.Petukhova 和 Nina N. Makhova* N. D. Zelinsky 有机化学研究所,俄罗斯科学院,117913,俄罗斯联邦莫斯科。传真: +7 095 135 5328 首次表明脂肪族醛肟-O-磺酸可以稳定为铵盐或烷基铵盐,可用于与伯脂肪族胺或氨合成二氮丙啶,分别得到1,3-二烷基二氮杂环吖啶和3-烷基二嗪啶;后一种化合物以前不容易获得。在二氮丙啶的烷基衍生物中,3-烷基二嗪啶1是最不容易获得的。这主要是由于它们在合成中使用的条件(来自脂肪族醛、氨和N-氯胺)下与起始醛和氨发生缩合的明显趋势,得到2,4,6-三烷基-1,3,5-三氮杂双环[3.1.0]己烷2.1在水合氯醛存在下,三唑烷环在2中的轻度选择性酸水解产生水合氯醛衍生物3(R = Pr, 但是).2a–c 在苯甲酰氯存在下碱性分解3(R = Me,Pr,But)后,分离出相应的1,2-二苯甲酰衍生物4.2a,c唯一报道的3-烷基二氮丙啶的合成,即3-丙基二氮丙啶,在一项德国专利中有所描述。2d 该化合物由丁醛与氨和氯胺在60 °C的甲醇水溶液中反应制得,收率为6%。这些文献数据在方案 1 中提供。其他已知的合成1,2-未取代二氮丙啶的方法[用氨处理肟-O-磺酸3或其酯4-6或用氨和羟胺-O-磺酸7(HASA)处理羰基化合物]被认为不适合制备3-烷基二氮丙啶,因为醛肟-O-磺酸5和醛肟酯在形成后立即分解,得到腈和相应的酸。在参考文献7中描述的反应中也观察到醛肟-O-磺酸5的形成和分解。在本研究中,我们发现了醛肟-O-磺酸稳定的条件5。这使我们能够提出一种合成3-烷基二氮杂环己烷1的新方法,这使得这些化合物相当容易获得。我们对 5 的稳定条件的搜索基于已知的 HASA 盐稳定性数据,8 其碱序降低:Et3N > Py > NH3 > NH2NH2 > KOH。我们发现脂肪族醛肟-O-磺酸6a的三乙基铵盐可以在20°C下储存在碱真空干燥器中。从伯脂肪族胺6b衍生的盐也相当稳定。然而,铵盐6c被证明仅在NH3(>40%)的饱和水溶液中在降低温度下稳定。在25%氨化合物5中分解。盐6由相应的胺(或NH3)与5在冷中反应合成。反过来,后者由脂肪醛和HASA在水(或甲醇水溶液)中降低温度制备。为了得到6c,将NH3的水溶液与气态NH3一起冷却,然后在搅拌下滴加新制备的5冷却溶液。3-烷基二氮杂环萃啶1†,‡(表1)通过在整个反应过程中使气态氨流过反应混合物,在降低温度下合成。1,3-二烷基二吖啶7通过†相互作用制备 3-烷基二氮杂环吖啶1的制备(一般程序):在-10至-5°C下将HASA(0.5mol)加入到醛(0.5mol)的水溶液(60ml)(丁醛的情况下,在45ml水+ 15mlMeOH中),并将混合物搅拌15-20min,直到不再与KI酸化溶液反应。然后,将得到的醛肟-O-磺酸5溶液在-20至-18°C下滴加到氨水溶液(300g,47%)中。将反应混合物在0-2°C下搅拌8-10小时,使适度的氨流通过。然后将混合物在0°C下静置过夜,并在氨水流动下在18-20°C下搅拌10小时。用旋转蒸发器将二氮丙啶水溶液蒸出到用干冰冷却的容器中,从固体碱中蒸出产物三次。对于所有合成的化合物1,都获得了令人满意的元素分析数据。1,3-二烷基二氮杂环己烷7的制备(一般程序):将含有两倍摩尔过量的相应伯脂肪族胺的50%水溶液滴加到通过上述步骤得到的醛肟-O-磺酸5溶液中。将混合物在15–20°C下搅拌7h,然后用CH2Cl2提取产物,用K2CO3干燥提取物,蒸发溶剂,真空蒸馏残留物。‡ 3-烷基二氮丙啶的选定光谱数据。对于1a:1H NMR(d,ppm,CDCl3):1.26(d,3H,CH3),2.19(br.s,2H,NH),3.03(q,1H,CH);(CH2Cl2):1.26(d,3H,CH3),1.83(br.s,1H,NH),2.51(br.s,1H,NH),3.02(q,1H,CH)。对于1b:1H NMR(d,ppm,CDCl3):0.94(t,3H,CH3),1.37(dq,2H,CH2),2.17(br.s,2H,NH),2.91(t,1H,CH)。For1c:1H NMR(d,ppm,CDCl3):0.94(t,3H,CH3),1.43(m,4H,CH2CH2),1.72(br.s,1H,NH),2.34(br.s,1H,NH),2.92(t,1H,CH)。RCHO N N N R R R NH3, NH2Cl RCHO, NH3 NH NH R NH NCH(OH)CCl3 R NaOH PhCOCl NCOPh NCOPh R Cl3CCHO·H2O/H+ 1 2 3 4 方案 1 R=Me, Pr, 但 RCHO + NH2OSO3H RCH=NOSO3H RCH=NOSO3 – B+ i ii (或 iii) NH NH R NR1 NH R iv v 1a–c 5 6 7a–c 6a B = Et3NH (ii) 6c B = NH4 (iii) + + + 方案 2 试剂和条件: i, H2O [或 H2O–MeOH (4 : 1)],-10 至 -5 °C,15-20 分钟;ii、Et3N (R1NH2)、H2O、–20 至 –15°C;iii,47% NH3,H2O,–20 至 –18°C;iv,约 40% NH3、H2O(或 H2O-MeOH),0-2°C,8-10 小时,然后 18-20°C,10 小时;v, R1NH2, H2O(或H2O–MeOH), 15–20°C, 7 h. 6b B=R'NH3 (ii) 1a R=Me 1b R=Et 1c R = Pr 7a R=Me, R1 = CH2CHMe2 7b R = Et, R1 =Bu 7c R=Pr, R1 =CH2Ph H2N通信电子版,第 2 期。1997 年(第 47-86 页)伯脂肪族胺与事先获得的三乙基铵盐 6a 或盐 6b,通过将 5 与过量的相同胺反应制备,用于该反应(方案 2)。3-烷基二嗪啶1的收率为22-32%。7的产量略高,与文献中先前报道的产量相当9-11(表1)。这项工作得到了INTAS资助号94-2839的支持。参考文献 1 E. Schmitz, Chem. Ber., 1962, 95, 688.2 (a) E. Schmitz 和 D. Habisch, Chim 牧师。Acad. Rep. Populaire Roumaine, 1962, 7, 1281 (Chem.Abstr., 1964, 61, 4331);(b) H. W. Heine, R. Henrie, II, L. Heitz and S. R. Kovvali, J. Org. Chem., 1974, 39, 3187;(c) E. Schmitz, D. Habisch and C. Grundemann, Chem. Ber., 1967, 100, 142;(d) S.R.(二)Paulsen, Ger. Pat., 1126395, 1962 (Chem. Abstr., 1962, 57, 9875g)。3 E. Schmitz, Trekhchlennye tsikly s dvumya geteroatomami (Three- Membersed Rings with Two Heteroatoms), Mir, Moscow, 1970, pp.123, 150 (俄文).4 于.V. Zeifman、EG Abduganiev、EM Rokhlin 和 IL Knunyanz,Izv。阿卡德。Nauk SSSR, Ser. Khim., 1972, 2737 (Bull. Acad. Sci. USSR, Div. Chem. Sci., 1972, 21, 2667)。5 R. G. Kostyanovskii, G. V. Shustov 和 V. I. Markov, Izv.阿卡德。Nauk SSSR, Ser. Khim., 1974, 2823 (Bull. Acad. Sci. USSR, Div. Chem. Sci., 1974, 23, 2725)。6 A.N.米哈伊柳克、N.N.马霍娃、A.E.博瓦、L.I.赫梅利尼茨基和S.S.诺维科夫,伊兹夫。阿卡德。Nauk SSSR, Ser. Khim., 1978, 1566 (Bull. Acad. Sci. USSR, Div. Chem. Sci., 1978, 27, 1367)。7 (a) H. J. Abendroth, Angew.化学, 1961, 73, 67;(b) E. Schmitz, C. Horig 和 C. Grundemann, Chem. Ber., 1967, 100, 2101.8 R. N. Keller 和 P. A. S. Smith, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 1964, 68, 899.9 A.A.杜丁斯卡娅、A.E.博娃、L.I.赫梅利尼茨基和S.S.诺维科夫,伊兹夫。阿卡德。Nauk SSSR, Ser. Khim., 1971, 1523 (Bull. Acad. Sci. USSR, Div. Chem. Sci., 1971, 20, 1419)。10 C. Szantay、F. Chmielewicz 和 T. J. Bardos,J. Med. Chem.,1967 年,10 页,101 页。11 E. Schmitz 和 D. Habisch, Chem. Ber., 1962, 95, 680.a 所有化合物1和7的红外光谱均含有nNH =3220cm–1。表1 3-烷基二氮杂环己烷1和1,3-二烷基二吖丙啶7及其衍生物的收率及部分理化特性a 复合收率 (%) Bp/°C(Torr) (熔点/°C) nD 20 导数 1a 22 105–107(760) (24.5–25.5) – 1,2-二苯甲酰 4a, 熔点 106–108 °C (lit.,2c 108–109°C) 1b 32 60–61(55) 1.4445 – 1c 22.1 47–49(30) (12.5–14) [lit.,2d 45–48(30)] 1.4478 氯醛水合物 3c, 熔点 116–118°C (MeOH) (lit.,2c 116–118 °C) 7a 44.0 42–45(20) [lit.,9 43–45(20)] 1.4260 – 7b 34.0 50–51(31) – 草酸盐,熔点 108 °C(分解)(lit.,10 108 °C, 分解)7c 32.2 106–112(1) (11–13) [lit.,11 100–103(0.6) (12–13)] – – 收稿日期: 莫斯科,1996 年 11 月 12 日 剑桥,1996 年 12 月 12 日;通讯 6/07747A




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