
The future is femto


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Mobile operators want us to have basestations in our homes. Chris Edwards finds out what it will take for that to happen. WHILE THEIR neighbours campaign against cellular masts going up near their homes, consumers will soon be able to buy a basestation of their very own. Operators are lining up to launch home basestations next year as a way of providing better access to their wireless networks indoors. One type of home basestation is already on the market in the form of Unlicensed Mobile Access (UMA) technology. This relies on the user's phone supporting voice calls over either Bluetooth or Wi-Fi. It's not a cellular basestation, but a Wi-Fi router with software to handle voice calls and pass the packets on to the mobile operator's network.
机译:移动运营商希望我们在家中拥有基站。克里斯·爱德华兹(Chris Edwards)发现了实现这一目标所需的条件。虽然他们的邻居反对在他们家附近竖起蜂窝桅杆,但消费者很快就能买到他们自己的基站。运营商正在排队明年推出家庭基站,以提供更好的室内无线网络接入。一种类型的家庭基站已经以免许可移动接入(UMA)技术的形式上市。这依赖于用户的手机支持通过蓝牙或 Wi-Fi 进行语音通话。它不是蜂窝基站,而是一个带有软件的Wi-Fi路由器,用于处理语音呼叫并将数据包传递到移动运营商的网络。




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